Susan's Plan (1998)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧  犯罪  惊悚
Susan's Plan
  • 片       名Susan's Plan
  • 上映时间1998年10月29日(美国)
  • 导       演 约翰·兰迪斯


  • Betty Johnson: You're my only truly sick friend, Susan. Betty Johnson: If it's a choice between me ending up a cocktail waitress or Paul being dead, there's just no contest. Susan Holland: [to Bill and Steve] Paul is alive you stupid fucks! Betty Johnson: [on the phone] Susan? Susan Holland: Yes? Betty Johnson: Paul's going to be all right. Susan Holland: Shit! Sam Myers: What is it? Susan Holland: Paul's going to be all right. Sam Myers: Shit! Bill: Fuck! Steve: Damn it! Betty Johnson: Hi shortcake, how're you feeling? Paul Holland: Better now... give me a kiss. [puckers up, Betty gives him a peck on the lips] Paul Holland: You call that a kiss? Sam Myers: [on the phone] Betty? Betty Johnson: Who's this? Sam Myers: It's Sam. Betty Johnson: Gee Sam, how do you shoot a guy 3 times at close range and not kill him? Sam Myers: I don't know, you'll have to ask Bill and Steve that when you see them. Bill: She'll have to ask us what, Sam? Paul Holland: [to Betty] I met you through Susan, didn't I? You know how much she has to gain if I die before I rewrite my will, you do know that don't you? Paul Holland: Why do you have that look on your face? Betty Johnson: I thought I could do it, I thought I could do anything for enough money... Paul Holland: Do you know the guys who shot me? Betty Johnson: Yes... they're just two guys I know, it's Sam and Susan, it's Susan's plan, it was her idea, not mine. Paul Holland: To kill me? Betty Johnson: Yes. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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