Twin Sitters (1994)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  惊悚
Twin Sitters
  • 片       名Twin Sitters
  • 导       演 John Parag...
  • 又       名Twin Sitters
  • 编       剧 John Parag...


  • Steven: Man, even their car's on steroids! Ma Falcone: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 2d 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [speaking to Pa Falcone] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • c2e 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Leon... Leon, look at their necks! Peter Falcone: Here we go again... Peter Falcone, David Falcone, Ma Falcone: Their necks are out of proportion with the rest of their body! Ma Falcone: Well, it's true! Your necks are bigger than your heads. David Falcone: Ma, that's only because there are no muscles in our heads to exercise. Ma Falcone: Yeah? Well, what about your brain? Peter Falcone: Ma, the brain is not a muscle; it's an organ! David Falcone: And it's a good thing, too. Otherwise, our heads would be so huge, we would fall over! Thomas: [approaching The Barbarian Brothers] Uh, David and Peter Falcone? Peter Falcone: Yeah, what's your name? Thomas: Well, my name is Thomas Sedgewick... Peter Falcone: [grabbing a pen and writing an autograph] Okay! "To: Thomas. May all your ups and downs be in bed! Peter Falcone." There ya go! Peter Falcone: It's a rip, man. It's a total rip. David Falcone: I know. How's the little guy ever supposed to get ahead? They won't give you a loan unless ya already got the money. It's totally scatalogical. Bradley: Butt-sniffers! They're not gonna get away with it! Steven: Forget it, man. They're too big! We can't win. Thomas: Wait a moment. Where do you think you're going? Peter Falcone: We're goin' on a date. Thomas: With the children? David Falcone: Nah, with Miss Newman. [to Bradley and Steven] David Falcone: Come on, let's go. Thomas: But, but you're not supposed to leave the grounds! Peter Falcone: Thomas, you're a butler - BUTT OUT! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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