
  • DR. JARRET: We're not talking *man's best friend* here!". Doctor Jarret: When you think of guard dogs. You first think of German Shepherds, they are smart lethal. But not good enough. Now we developed the new Emax They are totally obsolete. Doctor Jarret: You see Max is a clone, he's not you typical dog. He's a genetic cross breed. Detective Kovacs: A mutt. Doctor Jarret: No, I do not mean a mutt, sir. Look around you. Each animal has a pacific desirable trait. Which is dedicated to their survival. If You took the D.N.A. from each, and genetically splice it into a breed of a dog. You would have a magnificent creature. Lori Tanner: [Reffering to dog food] This stuff is so disgusting. Annie: Wait till he goes to the bathroom. [Lori laughs] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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