
  • Barney Cousins: What's this? Wuthering Heights? Denise, is it not sufficent that while you shall be at peace, I shall ride in the torments of hell? Denise Cousins: ...It's romantic. Barney Cousins: If they can put it in a book it's not romantic. Romance has to be secret. Barney Cousins: Look, I know you think restoring this cabin is a crazy idea, but what if it's not? What if I'm learning about myself as I go, realizing that if I can do this, I can do anything. So I take a step,I think is this crazy, should I stop?... Then I think, not yet, there's always time to turn back, if I want to so, I take another step... and another... and another... until one day I realize I've crossed that line... and there's no turning back. Cop at Gas Station: Had you had a fight recently? Jeff Harriman: Not a fight, a thing. Cop at Gas Station: ...A thing? Jeff Harriman: Yeah, a thing, don't you have a girlfriend? Cop at Gas Station: Yeah. And want you think is a thing you can bet your life she thinks is a fight. Helene Cousins: Look, he put up a new one. I heard him on Talk Radio. Every month he puts up a new one. Barney Cousins: Every 30 days, you could set your watch by it. Helene Cousins: He must have loved her very much. Barney Cousins: ...I do admire his perseverance. Jeff Harriman: I just want to know where Diane is. Barney Cousins: Then you'll want to listen. Or the answer will slip right by you. Rita Baker: She's gone, Jeff. She's gone. You may never know how or why, you just have to learn to accept that. Jeff Harriman: If Diane were here right now, I'd ask you to marry me. But the truth is, if I could turn back the clock to that day at the gas station just once, I would. Just to find out. Rita Baker: It's not good enough. If you ever want to move on with your life, if you ever want to be happy again, if you ever want to really live,then this is your chance! I love you! But I have to know you feel the same or else I'm gone forever. Let her go,Jeff.Let her go. Barney Cousins: I don't need a gun. Your obsession is my weapon. Barney Cousins: You don't care if she's alive or dead anymore. Jeff Harriman: Yes I do. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Barney Cousins 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : No you don't. You're just scared that without the search you won't know who you are anymore. Who is Jeff Harrimen if he's not the guy looking for Diane Shaver? Barney Cousins: Jeff, look at your life. You have nothing. No job. No money. No love. No peace of mind. At what point do you finally say to yourself: I'm not going to know where Diane is tomorrow? Cop at Apartment: How many have you had to drink? Lynn: One... after another. Rita Baker: Jesus, it's loaded! Jeff Harriman: Well that's usually the part psychos respond to, honey. Rita Baker: You have reached the home of Jeff Harriman and Jeff Harriman's twisted ego. Rita Baker no longer lives here she has left Jeff forever. Cop at Gas Station: I stongly urge you to move your face back to where it was. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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