All-American Murder (1992)

  • 美国
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  • 灾难  爱情  惊悚
All-American Murder
  • 片       名All-American Mu...
  • 上映时间1992年12月18日(英国)
  • 导       演 Anson Will...
  • 又       名All-American Murder
  • 编       剧 Barry Sand...


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  • "She's some bunny isn't she? Great to see her again, It's been years, but,I never forget a face... especially, if I've sat on it. I hope you have the fun with her that I do... I love that little mole on her butt don't you? and how about that sensitive left nipple... and what mouth action! I thought jaws only moved that fast in water! You know Lou-Anne, likes to make a guy happy. More than you do for her Marco! But then, you have a problem don't you? It's called... LIMP DICK. And Lou-Anne is losing patience. Yeah me and Lou- Anne, Lou- Anne and me, we just pump away... singing that song we love... feelings!... nothing more than feelings!" 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Logan: They've sent me the jokers, you must be the ace." Decker: " Do you play any sports?" Logan: " Yeah, I run the bath, I catch cold, I jump to conclusions, I'm good at all those." Logan: "Well I hope it doesn't bite." Decker: " You hope what doesn't bite?" Logan: "The bug up your ass! It's crawlin' around there right now thinking the same thing I am." Decker: "And what's that?" Logan: "Wow! I've never seen a bigger asshole before in my life!" Cop: "We've got enough to put you away, we've got your apartment, with a dead body, and I'll bet it's your knife in his back." Logan: "Of course It's my knife you sausage! What else would the killer use to frame me?" Decker: Any more surprises? Before I open the oven... find my Aunt Harriet? Erica Darby: I may be a liar, a cheat, a drunk, and a tramp... but I've got principles. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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