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Shock 'Em Dead

Shock 'Em Dead (1991) 5.9

1991-01-31(美国)| 恐怖 惊悚 音乐| 美国
上映时间:1991-01-31(美国) 类型: 恐怖 惊悚 音乐
评分: 力荐

Martin is a total loser, who nobody cares for. When he fails to get a position as guitar player in Lindsay's band and loses his job on the w...更多>


Tony: Here at Pizza Playhouse we do things one way: the right way. Trailer Manager:


I want you out! Now! Tonight! I let you live here, you're six months behind on rent and now you drive me and everyone else crazy with that damn guitar playing of yours!


Angel Martin: Someday I'm gonna be so famous that people are gonna stand in line to hear my play! Record Executive #1: Hey, we gotta sign that guy- I haven't seen anyone like him since uh... uh, what's his name bit that bat's head off Record Executive #2: yeah, what WAS his name? Record Executive #1: ...what's his name Jonny: I'm a virgin girl. I wait 'til I'm married. I'm a virgin girl. I don't go down on my knees.

Shock 'Em Dead

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