死亡旋涡 (1988)

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  • 灾难  惊悚


  • Sydney Fuller: This is life. Here, now. Take it or leave it. Dexter Cornell: [laughing] So this is what it's all about: some kid's damn homework! Dexter Cornell: So, who you gonna kill for your next novel? Dexter Cornell: So, who are you going to kill for your next novel? Hal Petersham: All I need is this one break; after that, I can write anything I want. And you can bet that I won't sit on my laurels like you did! Dexter Cornell: Well, at least they *were* my laurels. Mrs. Fitzwaring: How did you know about Nick? Dexter Cornell: I'm psychic. Bernard: Good. Then you know what's going to happen to you. Sydney Fuller: So, who are you gonna punch a confession out of next? Sydney Fuller: I just wanted to spend the night with you, not Eternity! Dexter Cornell: Is that the best your petty, prosaic little mind can come up with? Detective Ulmer: It's a petty, prosaic little world, Mr. Cornell. Bernard: I don't think I like what you're inferring, Mr. Cornell... Dexter Cornell: [condescendingly] Implying. When I say it, that's implying. How you take it, that's inferring. Bernard: I see. Infer this. [punches Dexter] Hal Petersham: You had it... You had it... and you pissed it away... goddamit Dex... you had a talent... You had a talent that other people... Dexter Cornell: [pulls a gun on Hal] ... kill for? [last lines] Hal Petersham: Yeah that's right kill for... isn't that what it's all about? Publish or Perish? Dexter Cornell: [as he fires his gun] Perish [last lines] Dexter Cornell: Just somebody's homework, is all. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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