霹雳游侠 (1982)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 惊悚
  • 片       名霹雳游侠
  • 上映时间2005年08月07日(西德)
  • 导       演 Daniel Hal...


  • Narrator: Michael Knight, a lone crusader in a dangerous world. The world... of the Knight Rider. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Wilton Knight: [Talking to Michael on his deathbed] Michael, Come closer. You were spared to lead the great fight. Don't turn away in fear. One man can make a difference and you are going to be that man. Wilson: [Talking on radio to all Comtron Truck Drivers] Attention all drivers, Attention all drivers. Anybody wanting a $15,000 bonus to be the first man who smashes that Trans-AM head-on. You hear me, I said "Head On". He is currently heading North on Highway Tanya Walker: [Speaking to the head of security] This is Tanya, someone is in town looking for me. I will give you the car and license plate. It's a new Trans-AM with a California license lettering "KNIGHT". [Devon and Michael are celebrating the successful first mission] Devon Miles: Shall we drink to what is the start of... Michael Knight: Of what? Devon Miles: One Man's dream Michael Knight: And to our future. No matter who it may take us up against or where. [Michael insists on going after Tayna, despite a serious gunshot wound] Devon Miles: KITT, can he make it? K.I.T.T.: You want the truth, in front of him? Michael Knight: If I'm going down, I'm taking them with me! K.I.T.T.: [about to smash through a trailer] With all due respect, you are not possibly thinking of... Oh my word, you are! Michael Knight: You are about as much fun as a divorce, which is not a bad idea! K.I.T.T.: I want custody of me! K.I.T.T.: [Micheal and KITT are out driving when they suddenly spot KARR pass by in front of them] KITT: Michael, that's KARR... that can't be KARR... I saw him explode... *you* saw him explode! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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