
  • J.H. Kilbourne: I ran a check on you, Mr. Harper. You are not stupid. Lew Harper: I have my moments. J.H. Kilbourne: You wanna live, don't you? To a ripe old age? Lew Harper: I'd hate to think that I was making those Social Security payments for nothing. Schuyler Devereaux: Door was unlocked. Lew Harper: Still is kid - out! Schuyler Devereaux: Come on Lew, gimme a break. Lew Harper: You're either a very good guesser or you're a cop. Schuyler Devereaux: Swimming's a good way to relax but I know a better way. Schuyler Devereaux: Never had anyone turn me down before. Lew Harper: There's a first time for everything. [She slaps him, then he slaps her] Lew Harper: Sorry about that. Schuyler Devereaux: No you're not. Lew Harper: That's right, I'm not. Schuyler Devereaux: How do you do Mr Harper? Lew Harper: Oh sometimes I do better than others. Schuyler Devereaux: Well I hope so. Lew Harper: What's Pat Reavis really like? Schuyler Devereaux: He was fun. Mild psychopaths often are if you don't cross them. J.H. Kilbourne: See I'm not like most fols who get their kicks head on, I sort of slide in sideways like. As a matter of fact in High School they used to call me the crab. Lew Harper: Oh. J.H. Kilbourne: Now you take the oil businesss, my business, it's never any fun to drill straight down. I'm a slant driller by instinct. Lew Harper: Are you slant-drilling me? Lew Harper: Did you come to that decision out of patriotism or greed? J.H. Kilbourne: A little of both Mr Hogan, like most men of wealth. Lew Harper: What do you want me to do? Iris Devereaux: I want you to make it like it was 6 years ago. Lew Harper: Your sense of timing amazes me. Lew Harper: I'd just like to try a little conversation first. Gretchen: Sure, you wanna call me dirty names? Lew Harper: No, I didn't say that. Gretchen: You want me to call you dirty names? Schuyler Devereaux: It's not nice to look up lady's dresses. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Lew Harper 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Everyone's got to look somewhere. Schuyler Devereaux: How'd you like to help me put on some suntan lotion? Lew Harper: Wont help honey, you're gonna be burned out by the time you're Lew Harper: You have a problem, you have no talent for swearing. Lew Harper: Personally I think you help up rather well. J.H. Kilbourne: Mavis maybe you should go for a walk. Candy: How long a walk J. Hugh? J.H. Kilbourne: Average, just average. [repeated line] J.H. Kilbourne: Outstanding! J.H. Kilbourne: You remember what I told you Mr Harper, about my crab-like ways. Lew Harper: All that passion and light-fingered at the same time. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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