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"Night Gallery"

"Night Gallery" (1970) 8.0

1970-12-16(美国)| 灾难 奇幻 恐怖| 美国
上映时间:1970-12-16(美国) 类型: 灾难 奇幻 恐怖 科幻 惊悚
获奖信息:美国电视艾美奖(1971年) 获奖:1  提名:1
评分: 力荐


advertisement Rod Serling: Good evening, and welcome to a private showing of three paintings, displayed here for the first time. Each is a collectors' item in its own way - not because of any special artistic quality, but because each captures on a canvas, and suspends in time and space, a frozen moment of a nightmare. Rod Serling: For those of you who've never met me, you might call me the under-nourished Alfred Hitchcock.

"Night Gallery"

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