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The Velvet Touch

The Velvet Touch (1948) 7.0

1948-07-13(美国)| 惊悚| 美国
上映时间:1948-07-13(美国) 类型: 惊悚
评分: 力荐

英文简短剧情:   Broadway star Valerie Stanton, breaking up with her producer-lover Gordon Dunning, unintentionally kills him. In flashback, she re...更多>


Valerie Stanton: Gordon's the perfect host. He wants to make you feel at home... and wishes you were. Valerie Stanton: You'd better have some food. You're going to need all your strength to answer my questions. Mr. Crouch: Oh, thank you, but I'm on the nine-day diet. Valerie Stanton: Oh, are you? What day is this?


Mr. Crouch


: Wednesday. Michael Morrell: One of the basic rules of chess is that the king rarely moves. Valerie Stanton: That's why so few women play it. Marian Webster: Where did you get your luck, Valerie? Or does God pity the wicked?

The Velvet Touch

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