
  • Fred Randall: A glitch? No, that's not possible. I programmed it myself. Fred Randall: I'm 30 years old. I'm almost a grown man. Fred Randall: Sweet swirling onion rings! Fred Randall: Hey, Commander, were you ever afraid of monsters under your bed? When I was little I used to think there was a baker under my bed. William Overbeck: No. Fred Randall: You ever look? William Overbeck: No. Fred Randall: Then how do you know there wasn't a baker under your bed? [Repeated line] Fred Randall: It wasn't me! Fred Randall: It wasn't me! William Overbeck: What do you mean "It wasn't you"? We're 35 million miles from the nearest person! Fred Randall: Maybe it was Julie. William Overbeck: You dog! Fred Randall: Hey! Miracles can happen. William Overbeck: Blaming this on Julie! Fred Randall: Okay. I admit. It was me. William Overbeck: Thank you. [Fred farts again] Fred Randall: Now, THAT was Julie! [about Fred] Bud Nesbitt: Only a complete genius or a total fool could ever pull this off. Lucky for us he's both. William Overbeck: Have fun, kid. Fred Randall: Fun is my Chinese neighbor's middle name! Fred Randall: I have to go tinkle! Julie Ford: I guess I'll see you in eight months. Fred Randall: Boy. I wish I had nine hundred twenty-eight dollars for every time a girl said that to me! Bud Nesbitt: Look, it was an accident. Fred Randall: Oh, sure, sure it was. Just like the captain of the Exxon-Valdez didn't see Alaska floating there right in front of him! Fred Randall: I feel like a paleontologist that's been hunting dinosaurs his whole life and finally got to meet one! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Fred Randall 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : I'll enter the same calculations using what we like to call The Right Way. Fred Randall: Mr. Wick, can I call you Paul? Paul Wick: No. Fred Randall: Are we there yet? Paul Wick: No. Fred Randall: Can I drive? Paul Wick: No. Fred Randall: Can I park it? Paul Wick: He's a computer genius, he's supposed to be a little weird. Julie Ford: A little? Fred Randall: [to the Chimp] Alright, I'm going out. If you light the place on fire the number's 9-1-1, thank you. William Overbeck: Well it's a very special drink. It's just for us astronauts. Fred Randall: Oh! Like Tang? Bud Nesbitt: How about just saying "Thanks for the cool coin Bud it really means a lot to me." Fred Randall: Oh yeah, thanks for the cool coin Bud it really, what was the rest? Fred Randall: Commander, can I call you Bill? William Overbeck: No. Fred Randall: Are we there yet? William Overbeck: No. Fred Randall: Can I drive? William Overbeck: No! Fred Randall: I'm hungry! Fred Randall: We're the first to stand on Mars! William Overbeck: Yeah. Now you're the biggest idiot on two planets. William Overbeck: How'd you like to be the first guy to die on Mars. Fred Randall: Well sorry Mr. First to Show Inappropriate Anger on Mars. Fred Randall: Hey! There's no airbag. What if I go flying' through the windshield? William Overbeck: Randall, there is no windshield. Fred Randall: Oh, well what if I go flying' through he front of my helmet? William Overbeck: I'd die happy. Fred Randall: They say that when a mother's child is trapped the rush of her adrenaline gives her the strength of 20 men. Alright Commander call me Mommy! Fred Randall: Who am I? William Overbeck: Mommy. Fred Randall: Say it like you love me. Fred Randall: You're alive Little Billy! William Overbeck: Don't you ever call me little Billy! Fred Randall: That's no way to talk to your mother! Fred Randall: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • It's tale as old as time Ulysses. Boy meets girl, boy falls for girl. Boy and girl return to home planet, get a nice little house with a white picket fence. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Fred Randall: Mom, going to Mars shouldn't be referred to running away. Mrs. Randall: Last time you ran away it was only to the garage. [Fred is typing on the computer to find out how long he's been asleep] Fred Randall: [while typing] Query: How long have I been asleep? [the screen reads "RESPONSE: THIRTEEN MINUTES"] Fred Randall: Thirteen minutes? Fred Randall: No eating puzzles in the house and surely we don't jump on the beds! Julie Ford: [about Fred] Just because we're going TO Mars, we gotta take along a guy FROM Mars? Paul Wick: Reconsider the mission? Sure... [pretends to think] Paul Wick: Okay, it's still on. Paul Wick: Bud, your hunches are about as useless as dental floss at a Willie Nelson concert. [Randall is laying on the floor with socks on his hands when the technicians come to get him out] Fred Randall: Can you leave me alone for just five more minutes? I just got into the third act. [with an English voice and moving sock puppet] Fred Randall: Yes! Close the door! It's bloody chilly in here! Fred Randall: It reminds me of a French Canadian tennis racket, stuck to the back of a Venus snow-goon, bubbling out of my sister's Brazilian donkey - I don't think I can make myself any clearer! Fred Randall: JOHN JACOB JINGLEHEIMER SCHMIDT! His name is my name too! [whispering] Fred Randall: whenever we go out, the people always shout, [screaming again] Fred Randall: JOHN JACOB JINGLEHEIMER SCHMIDT! All: [singing] He's got the whole world in his hands! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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