黑色命令 (1940)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 爱情  西部
  • 片       名黑色命令
  • 上映时间1940年04月04日(美国)
  • 导       演 拉乌尔·沃尔什


  • Mrs. Cantrell: You're no good, Will. William Cantrell: I've killed men for saying less than that! Mrs. Cantrell: You've killed a lot of men for saying nothing at all! [she holds a rifle on her son, William, to prevent him from going upstairs after his wife] William Cantrell: Say, what's the matter with you? What's that gun for? Mrs. Cantrell: It's for you, Will. I thought I'd borned a man-child when I first hear'd you squallin'. But I didn't. I borned a dirty murderin' snake that's broke my heart to see it crawlin' along. You're no good, Will. William Cantrell: I've killed a lot of men for saying less than that. Mrs. Cantrell: You've killed a lot of men for sayin' nuthin' at all! Kansas is red with their bleedin'. I curse the day I ever had you. Bob 'Shortcut' Seton: You know that girl I was staring at when all the ruckus started? Fletcher 'Fletch' McCloud: Yeah. Bob 'Shortcut' Seton: Well, who is she? Fletcher 'Fletch' McCloud: Well, her name is Mary McCloud. Why? Bob 'Shortcut' Seton: Well, I'll tell you. I think maybe I'll marry her. Fletcher 'Fletch' McCloud: What ? Bob 'Shortcut' Seton: Course if she'll have me, I mean. Fella wouldn't wanna marry anyone that didn't want him, naturally. Fletcher 'Fletch' McCloud: Oh, naturally. Uh, you know her well? Bob 'Shortcut' Seton: Naw, just seen her once or twice. Once she was on a horse, and... Fletcher 'Fletch' McCloud: ...next time she was with a jackass. [referring to Cantrell / Walter Pidgeon] Bob 'Shortcut' Seton: He is, huh? Makes it easier, don't it? Fletcher 'Fletch' McCloud: Practically a cinch. Say, you do things kinda sudden don't you? Bob 'Shortcut' Seton: No, not exactly. But you see I got 'er figured out this way. If you LIKE someone - and you don't tell 'em right off - well, maybe all that time you wasted, she liked you, too. So... well, all that time's wasted, ain't it? Fletcher 'Fletch' McCloud: Well, it IS the way you put it. William Cantrell: I know what I'm doing, Ma. I'll be running Kansas yet. I'm going clear up to the top. But I'm not going for the climb or the view. Andrew 'Doc' Grunch: That'll be four and half [dollars] Andrew 'Doc' Grunch: . Two for the tooth, two-and-a-half for the whiskey. You got another swig coming. Judge Buckner: Come on, Doc! Your job is pulling teeth out of people's mouths, not putting words in 'em. Let him speak for himself! Andrew 'Doc' Grunch: You knock 'em loose and I'll pull 'em out. Maybe, I'm just saying maybe, you know; if you was more promiscuous with your punching, we might make a little more money. Bob 'Shortcut' Seton: What do you mean - promiscuous? Andrew 'Doc' Grunch: Well, ah, you got strange ideas about justice. You don't want to hit nobody unless they deserve it. Now, that's all right, but we're in business. And business is different! Mrs. Cantrell: You're at the end of the road and the devil is beside ya... waiting. Miss Mary McCloud: I thought they bred men of flesh and blood in Texas. I was wrong. You're made of granite! Bob 'Shortcut' Seton: No, Mary, just common clay. It bakes kind of hard in Texas. Andrew 'Doc' Grunch: You know, you could make something of yourself if you tried. Bob 'Shortcut' Seton: Yeah? Andrew 'Doc' Grunch: Yeah. You could run for marshal. Bob 'Shortcut' Seton: Me being a marshal? Are you loco? Andrew 'Doc' Grunch: Well, you could try. It's better for a young fella like you to be working for Uncle Sam than against him. Bob 'Shortcut' Seton: I can't even read or write. You know that! Andrew 'Doc' Grunch: Listen, you don't read or write a man into jail. Bob 'Shortcut' Seton: Folks, it's true. I don't know much about the law. Ain't had much book learning. But the good Lord gave me a nose for smelling a horse thief a mile off. And what you need in these parts is a marshal that's better at smelling than spelling. [Cantrell has been defeated by Bob Seton in the election for marshal] William Cantrell: Learning, studying, working like a dog... and what did it get me? The first chance I have to be somebody, I'm beaten out of it by an ignorant cowhand who can't even write his own name! Well, I can write mine... and I'm going to write it across the territory in letters of fire and blood if I have to! I'm going to be somebody in this country! Somebody big! Miss Mary McCloud: Now, will you please get to the point and tell me what you want? Bob 'Shortcut' Seton: I want to marry you. Miss Mary McCloud: You what? Bob 'Shortcut' Seton: Well, I ain't got no job right now, but I figure to get one. And outside of a snort of hooch now and then, I got no bad habits. Miss Mary McCloud: I'd say asking a perfect stranger to marry you is a very bad habit! Fletcher 'Fletch' McCloud: Well, I guess Lawrence is burned to the ground. Bob 'Shortcut' Seton: Yeah. Well, we got a saying down in Texas: that it takes a good fire to burn down the weeds... to let the flowers grow. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Four killings in a week! It's got to stop! Judge Buckner: Four! Did you say four? That's right, four! Well, we're going to be quite a town, ain't we? I doubt that they have that many in Dodge City. No, I don't think so. Angus McCloud: We aim to compete with any city in size, but not in lawlessness! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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