Ride Tenderfoot Ride (1940)

  • 美国
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  • 爱情  西部
  • 片       名Ride Tenderfoot...
  • 上映时间1940年09月06日
  • 导       演 Frank McDo...


  • advertisement [Walker shows Gene and Frog their new executive offices] Henry Walker: Well, boys, what do you think of it. Gene Autry: I'd feel a lot more at home down in the stockyard. Frog Milhouse: Well, me too. I-I don't like being cooped up. You're liable to get hydrophobia or something. [Frog has joined the party guests at the swimming pool] Frog Milhouse: How's the water? Donald Gregory: Why don't you find out? Frog Milhouse: It's not Saturday night. [Gene admires the sleek airplane he and Frog will soon board] Gene Autry: Sure is pretty! Frog Milhouse: Ain't as pretty as horse, and when you ride a horse you don't have as far to fall. [in order to get a free airplane ride, Patsy has convinced the airline employees that she and Gene are newlyweds] Stewardess: She's such a happy little bride! Frog Milhouse: Can't I leave you alone for three minutes? [Ann has fired Gene and Frog for causing her to miss her train] Frog Milhouse: We got back salary comin'! Ann Randolph: [pointing to a cow] There it is - on the hoof! Frog Milhouse: Gonna be kind of hard breakin' that into small change. Frog Milhouse: Are you sure this airplane is safe? Airline Ticket Clerk: If it's not, you get your money back. [Smiley tries to convince Gene that Ann's terrier is part wolf] Gene Autry: A wolf? The sun must have shrunk him. [Gene and Frog are falsely arrested for rustling] Frog Milhouse: How long we in here? Gene Autry: They said a day for every pound that cow weighed. Frog Milhouse: I wished we'd caught a calf. [while on a horseback ride, the chubby Frog criticizes a woman's riding technique] Frog Milhouse: You just get your weight right and you don't bounce. Woman on horseback: How *could* you? [Gene has just rescued a henchman from being run over by a train] Henchman Martin: Thanks! Gene Autry: Don't thank me. I want you alive! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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