The Big Show (1936)

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The Big Show


  • advertisement Lee Wilson: Oh why was I ever born? Gene Autry: Now this is no time for riddles. Tom Ford: It's Autry's voice allright. He's got alot of nerve impersonating me! I'll sue him. I'll sue the company. Schwartz is gonna hear from me about this. Pack up; we're going back! Gene Autry: I don't mind being run over in stampedes, falling off cliffs, or fighting wild animals; but when a bunch of women tear my clothes off, I quit! Lee Wilson: Now you have made a mess of things. You know Ford can't sing a note! Gene Autry: Don't blame me, blame Collins. Lee Wilson: Oh, I could ring his neck for this! Fred Collins: [Collins enters] They're clamoring for an encore, Mr. Ford. Will you do another song? Gene Autry: I'd be glad to. Fred Collins: He's a sensation, and you've got me to thank for it! Lee Wilson: Thanks. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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