"Law & Order: Trial by Jury" (2005)

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  • 犯罪
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    Lennie Briscoe, now retired from the NYPD, joins the District Attorney's office as an investigator. Through him, and the various lawyers, ju...


  • ADA Tracey Kibre: Life's a bitch. Maggie Dettweiler: Yeah, and sometimes the one with the scales is blind, deaf *and* dumb. [opening narration] Opening Announcer: In the criminal justice system, all suspects are innocent until proven guilty, either by confession, plea bargain, or trial by jury. This is one of those trials. D.A. Investigator Lennie Briscoe: [Lennie Briscoe's final line, awaiting the verdict in a cop killer's trial. Briscoe and several NYPD cops are waiting outside the courtroom] They got him! [all the cops cheer] D.A. Investigator Lennie Briscoe: we don't need no stinkin badges. D.A. Investigator Lennie Briscoe: [muttered] Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges... [to the woman who asked to see them] D.A. Investigator Lennie Briscoe: I said yes, yes, of course you need to see our badges. ADA Tracey Kibre: Everybody lies. Detective Chris Ravell: Branch fired him? ADA Tracey Kibre: Nope, he resigned. Detective Chris Ravell: Smart, this way he gets to collect his full pension. ADA Tracey Kibre: I don't think that entered into it. Detective Chris Ravell: You give people too much credit. ADA Tracey Kibre: You don't give people enough. Detective Chris Ravell: Big risk, calling him to the stand. ADA Tracey Kibre: I had no choice. Detective Chris Ravell: Why not wait for Eckhart to crucify him? ADA Tracey Kibre: He would have lied to Eckhart. Then I'd have known that he was giving false testimony. Detective Chris Ravell: He could just as easily lie to you. ADA Tracey Kibre: I knew he wouldn't. Detective Chris Ravell: Come on. You've known the guy for fifteen years. You tell me he never lied to you? ADA Tracey Kibre: Yeah, he lied to me. Just not about the law. Mike LaSalle: Once again, I concede defeat. ADA Tracey Kibre: Last case we had was a hung jury. Mike LaSalle: That wasn't what I was talking about. ADA Kelly Gaffney: I gotta tell ya, I don't like it. ADA Tracey Kibre: Just trying to put the bad guy away, not win the Nobel Peace Prize. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • ADA Kelly Gaffney 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : You excused those jurors because you thought they'd sympathize. ADA Tracey Kibre: Look, when you are first chair you can have whoever you want on your jury: latinos, lawyers, convicted felons... Go crazy! Right now, you support my choices whether or not you think they're aggressive. ADA Kelly Gaffney: Or cheap. I was being polite when I said aggressive. I'm sorry, but I think is out of line to hide behind Hernandez like that. ADA Tracey Kibre: Well, I don't care what you think. ADA Kelly Gaffney: Oh. ADA Tracey Kibre: And neither does Angelina Martinez. ADA Kelly Gaffney: Angelina? ADA Tracey Kibre: Yeah, Angelina. ADA Kelly Gaffney: Wha... so it worked? ADA Tracey Kibre: Yep, we changed her gender. ADA Kelly Gaffney: Well, I guess I'll be drafting a motion. DA Arthur Branch: Is not easy being objective about your father... takes a lot of strength. ADA Tracey Kibre: Or in my case - therapy. Prof. Norman Rothenberg: You're wasting your time in the DA's office... I can triple what you make. ADA Tracey Kibre: You don't want me, Norman. I have scruples. Prof. Norman Rothenberg: They have pills for that! Eleanor Duvall: I mean... every few years another German comes along and they name a new disorder for him. Diane Harris: Hey! I was abused, humiliated. I was owed. ADA Tracey Kibre: A million bucks? Diane Harris: I'm on camera! My living is my image. That station paid zip and I needed clothes... a car... a condo. ADA Tracey Kibre: Really? Well, invite Lauren's family over to see your closet. Tell them I won't put away Lauren's killer but check out my Manolos. Diane Harris: This nightmare is causing me my job. I'm ruined. Do you understand that? ADA Tracey Kibre: I don't give a damn! Diane Harris: Can I go? ADA Tracey Kibre: [Kibre handles Diane a subpoena.] You're served. Show up in court or sit in jail. Diane Harris: Fine! I won't remember a thing. ADA Kelly Gaffney: There is a way to help yourself here. Diane Harris: Yeah, right! ADA Kelly Gaffney: I mean... rebuilt your image. Amber Frye, the other woman for whom Scott Petersen killed his wife, on the stand she became the courageous witness who helped put him away. Diane Harris: Ken's lawyers will destroy me. ADA Tracey Kibre: Not if I have you tell your version first. It starts with the prosecution. We won the spin. Diane Harris: Like I'd get some favor from you. ADA Tracey Kibre: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Personal feelings aside, is in my best interest to make you look good. Either that or I treat you as a hostile witness and tear you a new one. Your choice, Diane. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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