Stolen Harmony (1935)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 犯罪  经典
  • 片       名Stolen Harmony
  • 上映时间1935年04月20日(美国)
  • 导       演 Alfred L. ...


  • advertisement Lil Davis: If he doesn't show up, I'll break his neck. And if he does show up, I'll kill him! Ray Angelo, alias Ray Ferraro: You won't need that gun. Sergeant: Yeah, I've heard that before, too. That's why I'm a sergeant instead of a captain. Jack Conrad: He's colder than a pawn broker's handshake. Clem Walters: Why'd you run away? Lil Davis: Because I couldn't fly. Ray Angelo, alias Ray Ferraro: I figured I'd go after some smart money. Jack Conrad: Are you all through with that? Ray Angelo, alias Ray Ferraro: Mister, there is no smart money. Jack Conrad: This is a sad number, folks. As a matter of fact, last week in Philadelphia, the critics agreed it was one of the saddest things they'd ever seen. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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