狼人 (1996)

  • 美国
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  • 恐怖
  • 剧       情
    A team of archaeologists with unplaceable accents unearth a skeleton at a dig in an Arizona quarry. The Native Americans on the dig instantl...


  • Sam the Keeper: Strange things a-happenin, strange things a-doin, strange things a-goin on. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Natalie 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : What are you hiding from me, Noel? Tell me the truth! Noel: In due time, you'll know everything. Natalie: Well, maybe then it's too late! Natalie: Wuur-wilf? You mean Joel thinks this thing is a wuur-wilf? Natalie: What's wrong? Paul! Paul Niles: I don't know. It's like a nightmare. It was a nightmare. I was running in the streets... doing "things". Joel: Whatcha got there? Bill: Silver Bullet! Joel: Huh! Me Too! Sam the Keeper: Mr. Niles, I just found out that Count Dracula was a faggot! Paul Niles: Huh, Is that so? Sam the Keeper: Hey, you don't have to believe me but that's the facts! Noel: They can also tell when a man is Yalloglanchie. He takes on a series of strange body habits, like sleeping like a coyote, nose to anus. The house begins to smell like coyote urine. Sam the Keeper: I was just praying for the police! I think we should call the cops! Noel: Look Yuri, What the hell is wrong with you? I suggest you stay out here and get sober before you rejoin the party and when you do your gonna apologize to Natalie! Now go take a walk! [walks away] Yuri: Yeah, I'll take a walk! [gives a disgusted look at the camera] Taxi Driver: Uh, no, sir, a lot has changed. If you stick around you'll find out for yourself! Just the other night, half-man, half-beast got shot down! They took 'em to the hospital he's in a coma! The Police are investigating, its been all over My radio! Paul Niles: Do you always greet people with a gun in your hand? Sam the Keeper: What this? This is just to keep the flies down! There's some weird things happening around here! Yuri: Where the hell have you been? Do you know what time it is? Where the hell is Tommy? Bill: [spits] Here we go again. Yuri: Hey I'm talking to you! Joel: Look man! Tommy's at City Emergency Hospital He's sick! Bill: Yeah he's turning in... [Joel motions Bill to be quiet] Joel: He's real sick! Yuri: What's wrong with him? Joel: He got an infection from that thing he got cut on yesterday, that's all I know. Now if you don't mind I'd like to get back to work. Yuri: Good! Sam the Keeper: [after surviving a confrontation with Paul the Werewolf, to the audience] I'm the good guy! Sam the Keeper: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • What's going on here? Oh my god? Help me? Holy Jesus God Father? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • d0b 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Sam the Keeper: [standing almost perfectly still a few feet from the werewolf] What's going on? Oh my god... help me... [still not moving away] Sam the Keeper: holy jesus god father... werewolf?... oh no save me!... This thing is a werewolf! [is finally attacked] Natalie: So it all comes to this? You and Noel is in it for fame and fortune? But over my dead body! You hear me? I won't stand for it! Natalie: [totally flat and lifeless] This is absolutely fascinating... 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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