
  • Octavia Tarrant: We die the same way we're born. Annie Tarrant: Alone? Octavia Tarrant: Naked, blind, and covered with shit. Phillip Purcell: I believe in the myth, but in the fact - flesh and blood - I'm afraid not. Ethan Tarrant: You're next, Purcell! Groin to gullet! Octavia Tarrant: I'd like a winter funeral. Matthew Ellis: He lives in the mirror - that's how he gets you. Honore Thibideaux: Break the mirror, break the curse. Candyman: I am the writing on the wall, the whisper in the classroom. Candyman: Swallow your horror and let it nourish you - come with me and sing the song of misery - share my world! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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