重返侏罗纪 (1993)

  • 美国
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  • 恐怖  科幻
  • 剧       情
    一位美国生物学家改变了鸡蛋的基因,创造出一种硕大无比的恐龙,且将之放生于中西部的小镇上;诞生的恐龙残暴无比,胃口亦奇大,任何阻扰它的人或兽,都成了它的食粮,一场可能毁灭世界的大战,即将爆发。  <!--香港百视达-->


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  • Fallon: The last thing we need is a biotech panic about chickens! Dr. Jane Tiptree: The earth was not made for us - she was made for the dinosaurs. Sheriff Fowler: I just want some peace and quiet. 'Doc' Smith: It's heading this way! [about to kill the dinosaur] 'Doc' Smith: I hate wildlife! Dr. Sterling Raven: Isn't that the freshest, juciest blueberry pie you've ever tasted? Senator: [nods] Dr. Sterling Raven: You see, it's all done with a little bit of scientific magic. Every single blueberry is coated with a thick layer of goat embryonic fluid... Senator: [vomits] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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