平安夜,死亡夜5:玩具制造者 (1992)

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  • 恐怖  科幻


  • Sarah Quinn: You killed Joe Pino: I had to... he broke me... and even though he always fixed me... I had to make sure that this time he wouldn't hurt me again. Pino: I tried to be a good boy father... but I never could be a real son... a real son... like Derek. His real son died before he was born... that's why he made me. When he found out I rigged those toys and sent them to his house... he was so angry. But don't you see Derek has to die... then you can be my mommy. Pino: I can love you like a real son [Starts trying to rape Sarah] Pino: I can... I can... I CAN... I CAN. I love you mommy... I love you... I want you... I need you Sarah Quinn: You can be my son... you can come home with me Pino: [shouts] NO! Derek has to die... it's the only way. Pino: Father... father... help me... all he wanted was a son... he made me... father... don't leave me. Pino: Hhhe... wan... wanted... a... a... real... bbbboy... I... was... nnnot... gggood... eeenough... ffforr... hhhim. Sarah Quinn: Damnit where's my boy? I want my boy! Pino: I'M YOU'RE SON NOW... NOT HIM! NOT HIM! NOT HIM! [Starts slashing the suspended bags with a knife] Sarah Quinn: Pino Don't stop! [Pino pauses] Sarah Quinn: Don't hurt Derek! You can be my son... you can come home with me Pino: [shouts] NO! Derek has to die... it's the only way. Pino: Ffffather... father... help... hhhelp me... all he wanted was a son... he made me... father... don't leave me. Pino: [Last line grabbing hold of Sarah's ankle] MOMMY Sarah Quinn: [Smashing his head in with a stiletto heel] Die you son of a bitch. Derek: Don't be afraid... it's only a toy mommy [last lines] Sarah Quinn: You're right just a toy [last lines] Derek: only a toy... just a toy 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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