夺命凶灵2 (1991)

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  • 恐怖  科幻
  • 片       名夺命凶灵2
  • 上映时间1991年06月28日(美国)
  • 导       演 克里斯丁·杜瓦


  • David Kellum: [referring to the puppy] So, what's his name? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Alice Lonardo 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Trooper. Because he survived. Peter Drak: [Is shining with a flashlight in David's eyes, which disorientates him] Hey, Davy. Time for a little one on one. David Kellum: We're both scanners, Drak. Why help them? They're just gonna use you and throw you away, you know it, you told me! Peter Drak: What are you gonna do Dave, be my best friend? [grins] Peter Drak: [unleashes scanner attacks on David] David Kellum: We can work together, all of us. Protect each other. Put our powers to some decent use. Peter Drak: I like this use. [throws David against the wall with scanner powers] Peter Drak: Power doesn't make you good, Dave. It just makes you powerful. And it makes me hungry. I'm gonna suck you dry, pretty boy... Commander John Forrester: How's everything? Doctor Morse: Not good. Elaine, one of our female scanners, just died. We're losing too many, too fast. The only functional scanners we have left are Feck, Gruner and Drak. [watching camera surveillance of Peter Drak] Commander John Forrester: I wouldn't call that functional. Doctor Morse: He's got tremendous command of his powers. He could bounce back. Commander John Forrester: He's a psychopath. What we need is a clean scanner. A virgin mind. [Last lines] David Kellum: [is finally killing Commander John Forrester with scanner powers, suddenly stops] No more killing. We didn't want this. [to the press] David Kellum: We mean you no harm. Just here to help. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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