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Children of the Night

Children of the Night (1991) 4.1

1991-09-06(加拿大)| 恐怖| 美国 加拿大
上映时间:1991-09-06(加拿大) 类型: 恐怖
国家/地区:美国 加拿大 
评分: 力荐

Cindy and Lucy are eighteen and going away to college. As a ritual they must rid themselves of the dirt of their small home town (Allburg) b...更多>


Jessica's Mother: This is blasphemous literature! I'd rather Jessica be illiterate than to have her reading about defiant, perverse, Godless souls!


Frank Aldin: Goddamn me to hell, I slept with my brother's wife! And not just once, but time and time again! Karen Thompson: Feeling regretful, Frank? Well, I guess that's pretty standard in your line of work. I'll never apologize for the way I am. I like it. If I want someone's blood I'll take it. And I'm not ashamed of what I am and what I want and how I want it, and I want you. My soul, my flesh craves you. Gus: My client is certainly entitled for compensation for pain and suffering. Doc Fisher: Pain and suffering? The woman is dead. Lucy: She's not crazy, she's a vampire! Mark Gardner: Let her go, you big, dumb, ugly FUCK!

Children of the Night

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