平安夜,杀人夜2 (1987)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 恐怖
  • 片       名平安夜,杀人夜2
  • 上映时间1987年04月10日
  • 导       演 李·哈瑞
  • 剧       情
    《平安夜,杀人夜》第一部三年后,狗尾续貂的《平安夜,杀人夜2》上映,由李·哈瑞导演,埃里克·福瑞曼主演。 影片前半段几乎都是上集的回忆镜头,后关段则描写圣诞老人凶手的弟弟步其兄后尘再展开恐怖的屠杀……


  • Ricky Caldwell: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • You're good doc, real good. But I know all the moves, I could squash you like a bug. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Henry Bloom: You don't frighten me, Ricky. Ricky Caldwell: Not yet. Ricky Caldwell: Garbage day! Loudmouth in Theater: Let's go, start the movie! Mooovie, mooovie! Jennifer Statson: I hate you Ricky. Ricky Caldwell: Punish. Jennifer Statson: Uh-oh. Ricky Caldwell: My old lady couldn't afford to send me to college. So I got a job. I was washing dishes, dumping trash... all that sort of shit. I think you're gonna like this next part. It sounded like some squirrel getting his nuts squeezed. Ricky Caldwell: What did you say this movie was about again? Jennifer Statson: Oh, it's great. It's about this guy who dresses up like Santa Claus and kills people. Ricky Caldwell: What? Henry Bloom: My name is Dr. Henry Bloom. You can call me Henry, or if you want, you can just call me Doc. Ricky Caldwell: Fuck off... Doc! Henry Bloom: I'm not one for games Ricky. I'm a professional. My time is very valuable. Ricky Caldwell: Oh? And mine isn't? Henry Bloom: Your time is running out son. I'm your last chance. Ricky Caldwell: Oh yeah? Henry Bloom: Yeah. Ricky Caldwell: Well, what makes you think you can bullshit your way into my head? Like every other pencil-neck piece of shit! Ricky Caldwell: That bastard. He left us out there to die! Henry Bloom: That was so long ago. How could you possibly remember all that? Ricky Caldwell: Because... I was there. You know, I don't like your attitude, Bloom! Henry Bloom: My attitude is not the issue here, Mr. Caldwell. Ricky Caldwell: Oh yeah, I forgot. You in a hurry, Doc? Am I wasting your valuable time? Ricky Caldwell: It was something to see. Cops stopping Santas everywhere from here to the state line. But that didn't matter to Billy. He knew the roads, the shortcuts. He knew exactly where he was going, and nothing was going to stop him! [young Ricky has run over Paula's abusive boyfriend with a car] Paula: Thank you. Henry Bloom: Tell me about Jennifer. Ricky Caldwell: Eat shit! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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