
僵尸城市 (1980) 7.0

Paura nella città dei morti viventi 更多片名>

1980-08-11(意大利)| 恐怖| 意大利
上映时间:1980-08-11(意大利) 类型: 恐怖
评分: 力荐

英国的某个城市发生了一起离奇的修道士自杀案,然而修道士在死时却下了一个诅咒——要让这个世界变成地狱。   莎拉是该城市的一个灵媒,她预感到了修道士所下的诅咒,并在准备阻止他时自己却险遭毒手。在警官罗宾的帮助下,莎拉终于知道了修道士的真正阴谋——利用她来打开地狱...更多>


Peter Bell: Well, it's got to be one of these [tombstones] Peter Bell: . Good thing he didn't hang himself in Arlington! Sheriff Russell: [on seeing that his deputy has become a zombie and is about to bite into the disembodied breast of a female victim] Oh my God! Put it down son! [examining the dead body of Emily Robbins] Dr. Joe Thompson: Well, she certainly wasn't strangled. There doesn't seem to be any kind of physical abuse. Sheriff Russell: Well, what was the cause of her death then? Dr. Joe Thompson: Some kind of cardiac arrest. Only that expression on her face is like pure fear, like something scared her to death. Sheriff Russell: Scared her? Dr. Joe Thompson: [to Emily's father] Excuse me, Mr. Robbins, do you know if your daughter had a heart condition? Mr. Robbins: No... no... Sheriff Russell: Well, what's our next move? Dr. Joe Thompson: Sit tight. Everything depends on the autopsy. Sheriff Russell: All right I'll sit tight. But what am I supposed to do in the meantime? Dr. Joe Thompson: You'll get your orders after that from the D.A. [exits] Sheriff Russell: All right, but let me hear from you first, Joe. Theresa: Mary, tell us what you saw in your last vision. Mary Woodhouse: The city of the dead. The living dead. A cursed city where the gates of hell have been opened. Peter Bell: Where exactly is this city? Mary Woodhouse: I don't know where it is. All that I know is that it's called Dunwhich. Peter Bell: Well, I've never heard of it. How do you know? How can you be so sure? Mary Woodhouse: I read the name on a tombstone. Theresa:


Mr. Bell, if those gates are left open, it could mean the end of humanity. We've got to get them shut again. At midnight on Monday, we go into All Saint's Day. The night of the dead begins. If the portholes of hell aren't shut before, no dead body will ever rest in peace. The dead will rise up all over the world and take over the Earth! You must get to Dunwich, Mr. Bell. You must reclose those gates!


[reading a porno magazine] Blonde gravedigger: Will you check her out? Gravedigger: You'll end up a dirty old man reading that stuff. A pervert. A peeping tom. I saw a porno flick once. This fellow in the audience got so carried away, he humped himself to death. Blonde gravedigger: Yeah, but what a way to go. Theresa: You don't deserve help! You're a comic book version of a detective, Sergeant! Sgt. Clay: Well, you look better in your mug shot, you know. The great Theresa. The master medium. Yeah, for you it's all in the book of... of...what's it called? Theresa: Enoch. Sgt. Clay: Yeah, Enoch. According to you, this girl is dead because of a book that was written 4,000 years ago. Correct? Theresa: That's right. I would find a such an unusual paradox of tremendous appeal terribly stimulating, if I were a sleuth. The explanation in every detail in a crime, before it has been committed. Sgt. Clay: Lady, you're either on grass, or you're pulling my leg. Theresa: No. The problem is in your mind. It cannot accept the truth.


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