KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park (1978)

  • 美国
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  • 恐怖  灾难  科幻
KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park
  • 片       名KISS Meets the ...
  • 上映时间1978年10月28日(美国)
  • 导       演 戈登·海斯勒


  • Star Child: What do you compute, Space Ace? Space Ace: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Insufficient data at the moment, Star Child! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Cat Man: Weird type of person. I wonder who could've done it? Star Child: Good question, Catman. What do you compute, Space Ace? Space Ace: Insufficient data at the moment, Starchild. Cat Man: We better look into it. The Demon: [Growls] Dirty Dee: It's like I said, Pops, Chopper don't hurt nobody unless he wants to. Space Ace: They all lose their heads over you, Paul. Dirty Dee: This trip's gettin' boring. Let's round up Chopper and split. Slime: Yeah, I can dig it. Star Child: Ahoy, mates, the ownership approaches. Cat Man: Aye, me bucko, with his scurvy crew steaming close behind, and I do mean steaming. Star Child: Gene's clean. Cat Man: A pussycat, almost. Space Ace: Ack! Sneed: This isn't funny! Space Ace: Ack! Calvin Richards: He created KISS to destroy KISS and he lost. Father: Hey! You're not allowed to smoke in here. Chopper: I'll smoke you. Space Ace: Who'd rip off our talismans? The Demon: Someone who wants power and wants to deny us ours. Star Child: Hi, Melissa. Melissa: How did you know my name? Cat Man: He's just showing off. Space Ace: A little "Star Power" doesn't hurt either. Sneed: This could get out of hand real easy, Mr. Richards. We don't want a riot on our hands. Calvin Richards: A riot? Ha, don't be ridiculous. High spirited kids, that's all I see. They're just reflecting the spirit of the park, that's all. We've got the rides, the attractions and we've got KISS. Sam Farrell: There's something going on here I don't understand. I'll give it a quick look and meet you back here in an hour. Abner Devereaux: Hold it. That's enough of that. Not in this park. Dirty Dee: You talking to us? Slime: What's your beef? You a cop? Dirty Dee: It's cool. Chopper and Slime don't hurt nobody, 'less they want to. Abner Devereaux: Fun is fun, but that's carrying things... Slime: Just who are you anyway, old man? Abner Devereaux: I happen to be... 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Slime 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Who do you happen to be? Huh? Calvin Richards: I'll tell you who he is. He built this park and I run it. Now if you can't control yourselves, you'll be out of this park before you get in. Sneed, you and your men keep tabs on these three. Calvin Richards: KISS is the biggest group in the world and we've got them. Abner Devereaux: Why try to argue science with a book keeper. Abner Devereaux: Simon is a very delicate creature. It took nearly a year and $30,000 to perfect him Chopper: C'mon. Perfection? You call some baboon doing a herky-jerky perfection? Abner Devereaux: I'm sorry, my dear, this is a restricted area. Only authorized personell are permitted. Melissa: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm looking for Mr. Devereaux. Abner Devereaux: I'm Mr. Devereaux. Melissa: Oh, well, I'm looking for Sam Farrell. I was told you might be able to help me. Abner Devereaux: Well, perhaps I can. I'll activate the elevator mechanism. You step inside. Abner Devereaux: You will regret this day. Sneed: We've got close to 2,000 employees here, miss. What with turnover and part time... Melissa: But you must know him, he works for someone named "Abner." Guard: Oh, Abner Devereaux. Sneed: Maybe so, but every time I see Abner, he's got someone new working for him. Melissa: This Abner Devereaux, where can I find him? Sneed: His workshop's located under the Sky Tower. Melissa: You mean underground? Guard: Yeah. *Way* underground. Abner Devereaux: I will destroy you! All of you... and you, you KISS wil lbe my instrument! Star Child: You're looking for someone, but it's not KISS. Melissa: Yes. My fiance, Sam. He was taking pictures of you. Sneed: There are dozens of photographers out there. How could anyone ever...? Star Child: [Paul raises his hand to cut Sneed off] He was here. Sneed: This is ridiculous. The Demon: [Growls] Star Child: Sam's still in the park. Sneed: They're avoiding us. Calvin Richards: With a look like that, your mother would avoid you. Guard, Guard: [Laughs] Sneed: There are plenty of openings on the graveyard shift. Guard: Maybe they're taking a swim. Sneed: Rock 'n' rollers don't bathe. Star Child: He's sweating the possibility that we might pull out. He's just plain sweating. Melissa: Unreal! I'd heard about your talisman, but I didn't think they really existed. What's that humming noise? Space Ace: Beethoven's Fifth. [Laughs] The Demon: It's the cosmic forcefield that protects our talisman. Melissa: Pretty mystical. And if you didn't have them? Star Child: With out them, no powers. Cat Man: We're just ordinary human beings. The Demon: Not quite ordinary. Melissa: Too bad everybody doesn't have a talisman. Star Child: But they do, they just haven't realized it. Melissa: [explaining to KISS about kissing Robot Sam] It wasn't Sam! It wasn't Sam, but it looked so much like him. And then, oh, then when I touched him... The Demon: What exactly did he say? Melissa: He didn't say anything. The Demon: [low growl] Star Child: We've got to find Devereaux. Cat Man: That's good with me, Star Child. I'm down to my last few lives. Cat Man: It seems a little too quiet if you ask me. Space Ace: Well, why didn't you say so? [singing] Space Ace: She wants a rocket ride, she... [KISS sees Robot Sam] Star Child: It's Sam. Space Ace: I wonder what his trip is. The Demon: His trip's a trap. Cat Man: Let's spring it. Star Child: Does everybody feel good? [audience goes crazy] Star Child: Are you ready for the real KISS? [audience goes even more crazy] Star Child: Are you ready to rock and roll? [audience goes even *more* crazy] Star Child: All right then. Let's go. Melissa: But you must, Mr. Devereaux. Sam never harmed you, neither did I. I'm sorry for you. GIVE HIM BACK TO ME! Guard: He's the one, almost tore my arm off! Star Child: Highly improbable. Cat Man: Not our Demon. Space Ace: Hi, Curly! Sneed: Cut the clowning - if you'd rather deal with the police? The Demon: [Growls] Guard: It was him! Guard: Or his twin. Cat Man: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Gene's brother was an only child. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Star Child: Easy, Catman, they are serious. Space Ace: And they've got guns! The Demon: [Growls] Star Child: It must be feeding time for The Demon. The Demon: This dead man won't die! Abner Devereaux: Armageddon is coming to this park tonight. Cat Man: We don't work with a second act, Deveroux, besides, Armageddon is a lame group. The Demon: There are no right hand except ours, we must protect the power. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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