撒旦之鸦 (1971)

  • 英国
  • |
  • 恐怖
  • 片       名撒旦之鸦
  • 上映时间1971年04月14日(英国)
  • 导       演 Piers Hagg...


  • The Judge: I give you His Catholic Majesty King James III, may God bless him and keep him in exile The Doctor: These ancient sages had access to much wisdom. The Judge: Witchcraft is dead and discredited. Are you bent on reviving forgotten horrors? The Judge: You must have patience, even while people die. Only thus can the whole evil be destroyed. You must let it grow. The Doctor: How do we know what is dead? You come from the city. You cannot know the ways of the country. Did Ralph not describe such a countenance? The Judge: Perhaps some such thing. The Judge: Leave me to judge who is innocent. The Doctor: A fiend has been seen hereabouts, hobbling on one leg. Reverend Fallowfield: There is growing amongst you all an insolent ungodliness, which i will not tolerate! The Judge: I am ready to return, but understand, I shall use undreamed-of measures, to conquer the evil. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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