残杀古城 (1965)

  • 意大利 美国
  • |
  • 恐怖
  • 片       名残杀古城
  • 上映时间1965年11月28日(意大利)
  • 导       演 Massimo Pu...


  • Nancy: Gosh, I'm stiff from that long ride. Travis Anderson: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 35 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • I insist that you leave my castle immediately. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • f0f 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Max Parks: Could you make just one exception? Edith: You met the owner of the house. What's he like? Rick: It's difficult to say, really. He was half-hidden behind a table. Nancy: Yeah, but he's dead, and I want to go on living. Max Parks: I'll double your salary. Nancy: My life's worth more than that. Max Parks: Triple it. Nancy: Okay, it's a deal. Nancy: I'm not just a dumb blonde, you know. Annie: Who says you're a blonde? Rick: [viewing Suzy's mutilated body] No one can dare say that THIS was an accident. Max Parks: Oh, now what's gotten into you? You mustn't hide those beautiful legs of yours. Rick: Just as I thought: The rope wasn't worn; it was cut. At this point, there's only one explanation: Deliberate murder. Travis Anderson: Mankind is made up of inferior creatures, spiritually and physically deformed, who would have corrupted the harmony of my perfect body. Travis Anderson: My perfect body... in the poisonous clutches of The Lover Of Death! Rick: What's this? What's that strange shadow near the frame of the door? That almost looks like a man's head. Dermot: Yes, it does. That's exactly what I thought, but it just can't be. Still, it does look like a man's head, with a hood on it. [last lines] Rick: The man that said life is stranger than fiction made no mistake. [first lines] Narrator: On this fifth day of December in the year of our Lord sixteen hundred and forty-eight, by the power vested in us by our noble sovereign, this tribunal of Artena sentences you, the Crimson Executioner, to death. You will die by one of the very instruments you devised to torture and kill your innocent victims. You dared to take into your own hands the laws of both God and man. You set yourself up as both judge and executioner. You caused inhuman suffering, and took life not from any sense of justice, but from hatred and self-gratification. You showed no mercy to your victims, and no mercy will be shown to you. The Crimson Executioner: You'll never kill me! Guard: Move along. The Crimson Executioner: I'll return and be avenged! Guard: Turn around. The Crimson Executioner: You fools! All of you! I am the Crimson Executioner! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! This day shall be written in blood! No man can judge me! I am the supreme law! I shall have my REVENGE! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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