
三尖树之日 (1963) 5.1

The Day of the Triffids 更多片名>

1963-04-27(英国)| 恐怖 科幻| 英国
上映时间:1963-04-27(英国) 类型: 恐怖 科幻
评分: 力荐

一种外星植物在地球上落户,最初它们是无害的,甚至还很有趣,这种植物在很快的时间里蔓延生长在全球每个人类居住区中,当人们开始反思这种植物生长的意义时候灾难发生了。 一颗照亮天际的罕见彗星划过,同时,所有观看这颗彗星的人全部致盲,失去视力的人类还没有意识到视力对于人类这一种群有多么重...更多>


advertisement Tom Goodwin: [to Karen] Keep behind me. There's no sense in getting killed by a plant. Karen Goodwin: [as her husband is boarding up the lighthouse door] It's like being nailed in your own coffin. Mr. Coker: [to Bill] Most plants thrive on animal waste, but I'm afraid this mutation possesses an appetite for the animal itself. [last lines] Narrator: [narrating voice over] A simple method had been found to destroy the Triffids. Sea water, from which life on Earth had sprung, became the means of preserving life on Earth. Mankind survived and once again have reason to give thanks. Narrator: [narrating voice over] All reports confirm that the world is witnessing an unprecedented shower of meteorites. There is no record of a display such as this in recorded history. At observatories astronomers are noting this fantastic phenomenon, and are carefully calculating the effect on our solar system. The consensus of option is that the meteorites burn up from the intense heat before they reach the Earth. [first lines] Narrator: [narrating voice over] In nature's scheme of things, there are certain plants which are carnivorous, or eating plants. The Venus Fly Trap is one of the best known of these plants. A fly drawn to the plant by its sweet syrup, brushes against triggered bristles. Just how these plants digest their pray has yet to be explained. There is much still to learn about these fascinating eating plants. This is a newcomer: Triffidus Celestus, brought to earth on the meteorite during the Day of the Triffids.


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