怪从天而降 (1957)

  • 美国
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  • 恐怖  科幻
  • 片       名怪从天而降
  • 导       演 Fred F. Se...
  • 剧       情


  • Mitch MacAfee: I know another poem. Be plain in dress and sober in your diet. In short, my dearie, kiss me and be quiet. Gen. Van Buskirk: Three men reported they saw something. Two of them are now dead. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Mitch MacAfee 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : That makes me Chief Cook and Bottle Washer in a one-man Bird Watcher's Society! Narrator: Once the world was big, and no man in his lifetime could circle it. Through the centuries, science has made man's lifetime bigger, and the world smaller... Narrator: Something, he didn't know what, but something as big as a Battleship has just flown over and past him." Sally: Well, flying Battleships, pink elephants, same difference. Mitch MacAfee: I said it looked like a Battleship, not that it was a Battleship. Sally: Oh, come off it, Mitch, you've done enough harm with your flying Battleship... Narrator: An electronics engineer, a radar officer, a mathematician and systems analyst, a radar operator, a couple of plotters. People doing a job, well, efficiently, serious, having fun, doing a job. Situation: normal. For the moment... Sally: Will it work, Mitch? Mitch MacAfee: I don't know. I honestly haven't the faintest, foggiest idea. It's one of those cockeyed concepts that you pull down out of Cloud Eight somewhere in sheer desperation. Sally: Something that seemingly destroyed four planes and just missed you the first time. Something like your flying Battleship? Sally: Oh, nothing so domestic as a flying saucer, officer. Just a flying Battleship. Police Officer: Well, have a good time with your flying Battleship. Sally: If felt like something collided with us up there! Mitch MacAfee: Yeah, a flying Battleship that wasn't there." Narrator: Once more a frantic pilot radios in a report on a UFO. A bird. A bird as big as a Battleship! Sally: Did he say what it was? Gen. Van Buskirk: Yes, he did. A bird. A bird as big as a Battleship... Mitch MacAfee: You keep your shirt on and I'll go get my pants on. Mitch MacAfee: Now, I don't don't care if that bird came from outer space or Upper Saddle River, New Jersey; it's still made of flesh and blood - of some sort - and vulnerable to bullets and bombs. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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