贼王 (2006)

  • 卢森堡 英国
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  • 冒险  家庭  奇幻
  • 片       名贼王
  • 上映时间2006年01月05日
  • 导       演 理查德·克劳斯
  • 剧       情


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  • : Where have you been? Prosper: At the merry-go-round with Scip. Bo: Didn't work, did it? Prosper: Yeah, it did. Scip's all grown up. Bo: Really? But you're still my same Prop. Prosper: Are you disappointed? Bo: No. I'm happy. Bo: Prop? Prosper: Hmm? Bo: When you have no money do you have to run away from everyone? Prosper: We're not running away any more, Bo. Mum wanted us to be here, this is where we live now. Bo: [Bo looks around the alleyway] Here? Barbarossa: Three hundered for the lot; most of it's rubbish. Prosper: Eight. Barbarossa: Four. Prosper: Seven. Barbarossa: Four seven-five. Prosper: Six eight-seven and a half. Riccio: See, it wasn't our Scip. Prosper: Yes it was. Bo: And his dad's a meanie. Bo: You forgot something very important. Riccio: What? Bo: It's under my jumper. Hornet: What? Bo: [pulls up his sweater] Me! Prosper: [taking his letter] We may be young but we're not completely stupid. Barbarossa: Give that back! Before I tear you nasty little tongue out you ... Bo: [slams his candy down] You can keep it because you shouted at Prosper! And anyway, it was yucky. Bo: Prop, where's this train going? Prosper: Hopefully South. Bo: [holding gondola ornaments] Look, Prop. Gondolas. Prosper: What are you doing opening the boxes? Put 'em back. Bo: I didn't. This one was open already. Prosper: Put 'em back, anyway. They don't belong to us. Victor: I've tracked down many things in my time - suitcases, dogs, the occasional husband - but you're the first clients who've ever mislaid their children. Scipio: What did you steal?... Are you lock-pickers? Purse-pickers? Pocket-pickers? Prosper: We're not thieves. Scipio: Do you know what happens here after dark? Things little eyes should never, ever see. Bo: We aren't scared. Scipio: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Not scared? Well, aren't you the little tiger? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Scipio: You're not a grown-up, are you? Only some of them are very small. You wouldn't be trying to trick me on my own turf, would you? Bo: I'm six and a quarter. Scipio: That makes you a VIP. Scipio: Nothing's safe from the Thief Lord. Riccio: [to Prosper] Your big moment, Mr Stoney Face. Barbarossa: A client of mine is looking for someone who'll - shall we say - procure a certain item. Riccio: Well, if he's sick, why doesn't he go to the doctor? Bo: Prop's very brave and I'm good at cheering him up, so we make a good team. Scipio: Bigger money equals bigger plans - and bigger cakes to buy. Ida: What sort of case? Victor: I can tell you it involves kids. Ida: Well, I'm sure they're innocent Victor: No, no, no. This case isn't about guilt or innocence. Ida: Look, if children are in trouble, it's usually because they've been misled or used by adults. You should lock up the parents. Conte: One should not wear a mask in church any more than a hat. Scipio: One should not plan a thief in a confessional, and that's what we're here for, right? Victor: So, what's your name, kind fellow, noble knight? Bo: Bo. What's yours? Victor: Vict ... Bo: Victor? Victor: I'm- I'm a victim of circumstance. Bo: There's my Aunt Esther, but she's not nice and she never smiles. Victor: You're telling me. Scipio: Perhaps you're a tourist. [slowly] Scipio: Where - are - you - visiting - from? Victor: I'm an Eskimo, can't you tell? Scipio: Really? That is fascinating. Ida: Well, why don't you go on an adventure? Riccio: We're not allowed to do anything without permission from my mother. Prosper: The Thief Lord was a little rich boy's game. And we were your fools. Prosper: You better go home, Scipio. The others are angry. They don't understand what you've done. Scipio: Are you angry? Do you understand? Prosper: I'm trying. Bo: [to homing pigeon] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • This is your big moment, Sophia, so don't screw up. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Victor: I'm totally - utterly - convinced the boys are no longer in Venice. Esther Hartlieb: But... where have they gone? Victor: [randomly] Corfu. Prosper: We may be young, but we're not completely stupid. Contessa: How old are you? Fourteen, fifteen? Scipio: With this money, I can be any age I want. I won't have to be a child any longer. Contessa: Did you hear that, Renzo? He no longer wants to be a child! Conte: Nature will soon grant him his wish. Victor: I think we better go inside before we become a tourist attraction. Max Hartlieb: [about Bo's ice-cream] Have a taste. It's all for you. Bo: I hate it and I hate you! Conte: [now a child; about the merry-go-round] I only managed to dismount just in time. Scipio: Uh, looks like you went a bit too far. Conte: The only visitor we allow to come here is Barbarossa. Scipio: Does he know about the merry-go-round? Conte: Good heavens, no. He'd immediately start selling tickets at ten-thousand apiece. Prosper: Problems don't just disappear because you've got older. Prosper: Bo wants me as a brother, not a father. Barbarossa: You may look older, but has it made you wiser, Thief Lord? Barbarossa: [now a child] Look at what's happened to me! I'm a respected man! Scipio: Can I at least recommend a better tailor? Scipio: [about child Barbarossa] Sorry I had to bring him here, Ida. He's afraid of the dark. He didn't want to stay in his shop on his own. Victor: [Scipio is now grown up] And you - I've heard of growths spurts, but this is ridiculous. I mean, what are you - your own older brother? Or the winner of a Thief Lord look-a-like competition or what? Scipio: How about your new assistant? Victor: Can someone please explain what's going on here before I start drinking port for breakfast as well? Mosca: Can you count up fifty-thousand? Riccio: What am I? Einstein? Scipio: I'll put it in bank accounts for each of you. Riccio: Bank accounts? What next, my midlife crisis? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Scipio 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : [about a revamped boat] It looks about as sea-worthy as a rubber duck. Scipio: I expect you to behave. Riccio: Hey, that's a laugh coming from you, Thief Lord. Scipio: Everything's ship shape and Bristol fashion with your false beard now. Scipio: Stubble! Housekeeper: Don't I know you? Riccio: Yes, you do. We're staying this time. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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