"LazyTown" (2005)

  • 冰岛 美国
  • |
  • 家庭  音乐
  • 片       名"LazyTown&#...
  • 上映时间2005年08月08日(美国)
  • 导       演 Magnú...Raymond P....


  • Robbie Rotten: Who wants a badge for ignoring the girl with the pink hair and the bad attitude? Pixel: Robbie Rotten moves a lot. But that's only when he's sneaking around. Robbie Rotten: [disguised as Dr. Rottenstein] Isn't that the good-looking guy? Stephanie: No! Robbie Rotten: Yeah! In a "bad boy" sort of way. Stingy: This is mine, and this is mine... [comes across ladder] Stingy: This isn't mine... but it could be my father's! Robbie Rotten: Have you ever heard the sound of a rubber ball breaking a window? Sportacus: I'm Sportacus. Robbie Rotten: [dressed as Sportacus] No, I am Sportacus. Sportacus: No, I'm Sportacus. Robbie Rotten: Me, too! Robbie Rotten: I did it! I beat Sportacus! [does a maniacal dance] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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