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Powerpuff Girls: Twas the Fight Before Christmas

Powerpuff Girls: Twas the Fight Befo...

2003-10-07(美国)| 动画 家庭 科幻| 美国
上映时间:2003-10-07(美国) 类型: 动画 家庭 科幻
获奖信息:美国电视艾美奖(2004年) 获奖:1
评分: 力荐

When Princess Morebucks finds out that she's been put on Santa's naughty list (in fact, she's the only one on it!), she does a quick re-writ...更多>


Princess Morebucks: What? Why? Bubbles: Because Santa has his own list and he checks it twice. It says who's naughty and who's nice. Princess Morebucks: So? Bubbles: Duh. You're naughty. Buttercup: Oh no! What if I don't get my official Red Raider carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle? Princess Morebucks: Huh. Who would want a stupid old BB gun? Buttercup: [gasp] Princess! Princess Morebucks: Besides, you'll shoot your eye out. Narrator: And all of the young 'uns are waiting with glee, thinking only of morn and what's under that tree. And not just the children, the teenagers, too. Chuck wants a football, Kathleen a tattoo.

Powerpuff Girls: Twas the Fight Before Christmas

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