Winning London (2001)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 家庭
  • 片       名Winning London
  • 上映时间2001年03月27日
  • 导       演 Craig Shap...
  • 又       名Winning London
  • 编       剧 Karol Ann ...


  • James: I've got a foot on it. You might want to check your shoes next time before you leave the loo. Chloe: Lou who? James: The WC, the loo, the toilets. Chloe: Sorry James, but, I play to win. James: You know, sometimes you win one thing, and you lose another. Chloe: Look. This competition is very important to me. It's not a play to play thing. It's a play to win thing. Riley: Chill! I'm cool with this old peacekeeping thing. Riley: Check it out, aliens from planet prep school. Riley: Uh, Brian! It's this way. Brian: No, it's this way. Hey, I found a short cut. Riley: What's a girl to do? Riley: I think we should! Brian: Oh, yeah, right. Bond doesn't get the girl 'til after the movie. James: Thanks for rescuing me tonight. I never get a chance to do this. I never got to be someone. Chloe: You already are someone, I mean. Our parents got to be kids. Now it's our turn. Brian: En Garde. Riley: Thou like-ith the Lakers? Brian: King Shaqith of Neal douth rule-ith the Lane. Dylan: Just stab her! Riley: What did thou think-ith of Dodgers this fortnight? Brian: Me think-ith they suck-ith. Riley: For sure-ith. Dylan: [learning they are representing England] [British accent] Dylan: Good going Homles! Dylan: How do you score plottage like this? Chloe: You achieve greatness and die. Rachel Byrd: So, you can pretty much forget about it. Dylan: Well aren't we Miss Westminister Crabby? Dylan: Flying Mallets! That ought to play well with the judges. Lord James Browning Sr.: Oh! From Eden? I must say, who are your parents? Riley: Oh! Yes! Lord... Voldemort. Dylan: [anchorman voice] Student Goes Psycho at UN Competition! Story at 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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