Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge (2001)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 冒险  家庭  奇幻
Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge
  • 片       名Halloweentown I...
  • 上映时间2001年10月12日(美国)
  • 导       演 玛丽·莱姆伯特


  • Luke: Gort, I'm a goblin. Theoretically, I can't fly. Aggie, Marnie, Luke, Dylan, and Sophie: We call on the dreams of creature and mortal to heal the wounds the worlds divided. From now on we can each create a portal and each of us our own path decide. Marnie Piper: I need someone who believes that anything is possible. Do you believe that? Luke: If you're there? [pauses, takes Marnie's hand] Luke: Yeah. Marnie Piper: I may feel sorry for you, and I may want to help you. But I am not afraid of you. Sophie Cromwell: Grandma says being normal is vastly overrated. Sophie Cromwell: Do that thing with the door, nobody can go in there. Aggie Cromwell: [exasperated] Oh! Your mother's rules! Gwen Cromwell: [after hearing that Kalabar is Kal's father] So Alex is what? Some actor he hired? Dylan Cromwell: Sophie has a theory. Sophie Cromwell: I think he's a golem. Gwen Cromwell: A golem? Sophie Cromwell: Made of frogs. Gwen Cromwell: [after catching Alex catch a fly with his tongue and eat it] You're... not human! Alex: Well nobody's perfect. Gwen Cromwell: You... golem! Dylan Cromwell: You don't know my password. Marnie Piper: Wanna bet? Iron buns? Dylan Cromwell: OK. Fine. Aggie Cromwell: [laughing] Iron buns! Aggie Cromwell: I must have lost it , so I know exactly where it is. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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