阳光下的假日 (2001)

  • 美国
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  • 家庭
  • 片       名阳光下的假日
  • 上映时间2001年11月20日(美国)
  • 导       演 Steve Purc...


  • Jordan: What's your name? Alex: Alex. Jordan: That's it, just one name? Alex: One more than you. [Brianna is searching for a cute guy at the club] Boy #1: Hi. Brianna: Bye. Boy #2: Hey, what's up? Brianna: Not my temperature. Boy #3: Hey. Brianna: Nothing, and er, keep moving. [Upon seeing Jordan for the first time] Brianna: Now he's what time it is. [Introducing herself to Jordan] Brianna: Umm, excuse me. My name's Brianna Wallace, as in the Wallace department store Wallace. Umm, what's your name? Jordan: Jordan Landers, as in the Landers hardware store Landers. Brianna: A sense of humour. Cute. [to Alex] Brianna: Sorry I don't believe I know you? Alex: Yeah, we met. In the lobby. *Take* a number. [after Alex and Madison arrive back at the hotel room late] Harrison: It is 12:15am. How late does that make them Judy? Judy: Precisely 72 minutes past curfew. Alex: If we were back home, we'd be 45 minutes early! Judy: Nice try. Jeffrey: Wanna play Frisbee? Keegan: A plastic spinning dog toy? No thanks! [On deciding what to do] Jeffrey: Wanna build a sandcastle? Keegan: I got a better idea. [Jeffrey is buried in the sand; all that is left is his head] Jeffrey: But I'm never going to get out of here. Keegan: Precisely! Jeffrey: [shouting] Help! Alex: [about a fish] It's sucking on me! Stan: There's been a PI at the shark pool. Jordan: PI? Stan: Puking incident. Some kid puked all over the shark pool. Anyway, I need you to clean it up for me right away. A.S.A.P. [Jordan is looking for sick in the shark pool] Alex: Patrolling for barf? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Jordan 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : *How* did you know? [Madison and Scott are horse riding on the beach] Madison: Why are we stopping? Scott: I think my horse has sand in his shoe. Madison: Ooh that's funny. Let's go, I'll race you back. Scott: I *was* serious! [about Madison] Scott: I have a real hard time talking to her, you know? [pause] Scott: I think she thinks I'm an idiot! Griffen Grayson: Have you ever read any Judy Blume books? [Scott looks confused] Griffen Grayson: Have you ever read *any* books? [Scott looks confused again] Scott: Does Sports Illustrated count? [Scott is trying to break the ice with Madison] Scott: So, tell me Madison, do you like to read? Madison: Well yeah, that's usually what I do with books, *read* them. Scott: I love Judy Blume. Madison: Oh really? Oh she's my favourite. What have you read by her? Scott: Flubber! Madison: "Flubber"? Scott: Was that wrong? Madison: Yeah, but only by one letter. The title is Blubber. Scott: It's a great book. Do you read Sports Illustrated? [Jordan is trying to get Alex to cut up fish with him] Alex: Is this a test of my affection? Scott: I found out something about me I really didn't know. Griffen Grayson: Yeah, what's that? Scott: My memory sucks! Alex: I'm having the best time with Jordan. He's so cute! I mean, first I got a hickey from a stingray! And then I got to gut a fish! Alex: Everyone knows you can't have your cake and eat it too. [Griffen is helping Scott talk to Madison by means of a walkie-talkie] Scott: [to Madison] The mere thought of spending the day with you made me itch in anticipation. Griffen Grayson: [on walkie-talkie] Not "itch" you idiot! Scott: [to Madison] Not "itch" you idiot! Madison: What? Griffen Grayson: [to Scott] "Twitch". Scott: [to Madison] Twitch! Twitch! Madison: You are so out of it. [after being put in jail] Madison: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • It's not American Express, it's Midnight Express. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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