小美人鱼2:重返大海 (2000)

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  • 冒险  奇幻  经典


  • Ariel: Where did you get this? [holding a locket given to Melody by King Triton] Melody: I... I found it. Ariel: You went over the wall, didn't you? Melody: Actually, I went under it. I hate that stupid wall! Ariel: Melody, you know you're not allowed in the sea. Melody: But why? And why does that necklace have my name on it? Ariel: Melody, listen to me - Melody: You're hiding something from me! Ariel: You deliberately disobeyed me! I never want you going out there again! Do you hear me? It's dangerous in the sea! Melody: How would you know? You've never even been in it! Melody: I'm sorry,mother. Ariel: Oh no sweetie,we're sorry.We should've told you the truth. Melody: I just wanted to be a better mermaid than a girl. Ariel: Oh no sweetie,it doesn't matter if you have fins or feet. We love you for who you are on the inside,our very brave little girl. Sebastian: [mimicking King Triton] "Sebastian, you watch over her," he said. I'M TOO OLD FOR THIS! A crab my age should be retired! Getting a tan! Playing sea golf! SIPPING A TUNA COLADA! Not babysitting another teenager. Ariel: We'll be right down. Just give us two minutes. Eric: Right, two minutes... [mumbles to himself after closing the door] Eric: Now, where have I heard that line before? King Triton: [referring to Melody] Sebastian, you will watch over her. Sebastian: Me? Aww! [faints, falling off od his rock and into the sea] Melody: Hey, Scuttle! Hey, Sebastian! What's kickin'? Scuttle: Uh, what's kickin'? Hmm... let me see. [he knocks on his head] Scuttle: Don't rush me! Sebastian: Ha! You know perfectly well what's *kicking*! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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