"Buzz Lightyear of Star Command" (2000)

  • 加拿大 美国
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  • 家庭  动画  科幻


  • Buzz: There seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere... XR: Ohhhh. Here's a tip for a young fella like you: ease up on the scallions at lunch. Buzz: You know me Mira I always have a plan. Mira: Okay Buzz I'm inside your head and you've got zip! [Buzz has just been brushed off by a snooty king] Buzz: Something just isn't right. Booster: Rudeness is NEVER right. Buzz: I'm talking Ranger instinct! [He lowers his voice] Buzz: That thing that makes my eyes go squinty, makes my voice go soft and hush with understated intensity... [Buzz is trying to rescue a young woman from a very stormy planet] Buzz: We're out of here! Young woman: Wait! I can't leave without my cat! She's right at the laboratory! Buzz: A cat? [He flies back to the planet, and we cut to XR and Booster in the team's rocket] XR: Awww, noooo! Never go back for the cat! Booster: You gotta go back for the cat! It's like a rule. [Buzz's team sets out to rescue him from a radioactive environment] XR: [shouts quickly] To the surface of a deadly poisonous planet, and beyond! [Buzz is admiring an animatronic Buzz] Buzz: Wow, they really nailed the details. Animatronic Buzz Lightyear: To infinity, and back again! Buzz: Well, nearly all the details. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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