Wakko's Wish (1999)

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Wakko's Wish


  • Skippy: Even my nuts are frozen! [holds a block of frozen acorns] Slappy: Be careful with that last verse. Brain Mouse: Pinky, once again you've left the lens cap on your mind. Yakko Warner: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [Dot has been 'mortally wounded' by Salazar's canon. Yakko is holding her in his arms with Wakko crouching near them] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Dot... can you hear me? Dot Warner: [weakly opens eyes, takes Yakko's hand and nuzzles against it] Tell me the story... Yakko Warner: Wha? Dot Warner: [weakly] The story... about mom and dad... tell me [cough] Dot Warner: one last time... Yakko Warner: You need to rest... Dot Warner: [cough] Once upon a time, there was a brave knight who married a beautiful princess... and they had two sons. But they wanted a daughter... so they planted a beautiful garden... Yakko Warner: [softly] And out of the prettiest flower came... Dot Warner: [smiles weakly] Me. Yakko Warner: So they took you home and at night they asked "Who the cutest girl?" and you'd say... Dot Warner: [weakly] I am. Yakko Warner: And they'd ask "How did you get so cute?" and you'd say... Dot Warner: [weakly] [Cough] Dot Warner: I was born that way... Yakko Warner: And they'd ask...”What's your name?"... and you'd say... Dot Warner: [weakly] "Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca [cough cough] Dot Warner: Banana Fanna Bo Besca the Third" but you can call me [cough] Dot Warner: Dot... Yakko Warner: [voice breaking slightly] and they'd ask...”Can we call you Dottie?" [tears stream down his face] Yakko Warner: And you'd say... Dot Warner: [Very weakly] No... just Dot... call me... Dottie... [points to Yakko] Dot Warner: and you'll... [hand falls to her side] Dot Warner: die... ['dies.'] Yakko Warner: [starts to cry and nuzzles against Dot's head] Yakko Warner: [Dot has been 'mortally wounded' by Salazar's canon. Yakko is holding her in his arms with Wakko crouching near them] Dot... can you hear me? Dot Warner: [weakly opens eyes, takes Yakko's hand and nuzzles against it. She looks up at him, smiling weakly] Tell me the story... Yakko Warner: What? Dot Warner: [weakly] The story... about mom and dad... tell me [cough] Dot Warner: one last time... Yakko Warner: You should rest... Dot Warner: [cough] Once upon a time, a brave knight married a beautiful princess... and they had two sons. But they wanted a daughter, to... so they planted a garden... Yakko Warner: [sof 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • tly] And out of the prettiest flower came... Dot Warner: [smiles weakly] Me. Yakko Warner: [Everyone is watching the scene with tears in their eyes] So then mom and dad took you home [is cradling Dot closer in his arms] Yakko Warner: and everynight at bedtime, they'd come in and ask "Who the cutest girl?" and you'd say... Dot Warner: [weakly] I am. Yakko Warner: And they'd ask "How did you get so cute?" and you'd say... Dot Warner: [cough] [weakly] Dot Warner: I was born that way... Yakko Warner: And they'd say...”tell us your name?"... and you'd say... Dot Warner: [weakly] "Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca [cough] Dot Warner: Banana Fanna Bo Besca the Third" but you can call me [cough] Dot Warner: Dot... Yakko Warner: [voice breaking slightly] and they'd ask...”Can we call you Dottie?" [tears stream down his face] Yakko Warner: and you'd say... Dot Warner: [Very weakly] No... just Dot... call me... Dottie... [points to Yakko] Dot Warner: and you... [hand falls to her side] Dot Warner: die... ['dies.'] Dot Warner: [Yakko starts to cry and nuzzles against Dot's head] King Salazar: When will this insanity stop? Dot Warner, Yakko Warner, Wakko Warner: I know! Pick me! Pick me! I know! King Salazar: Yes, you. Dot Warner: Daaaaah... what was the question? Yakko Warner, Wakko Warner: Good Answer! All right! Wakko Warner: If only I'd earned more... Yakko Warner: Hey, we'll find some other way to pay for her operation. Wakko Warner: I guess so... Yakko Warner: You turning in? Wakko Warner: ...To what? Yakko Warner: ...Good question. See you in the morning. Wakko Warner: Good night. Yakko Warner: [after the Warners have thrown a toboggan named Rosebud on the open fire] What do you wan't from us? We're freexing here! Pinky: But Brain, how ever will we get to the wishing star first? Brain Mouse: Simple, Pinky. With the help of the great Leonardo DaVinci. Pinky: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • He is going to give us a ride? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Brain Mouse: No Pinky. DaVinci is dead. Pinky: Oh, how sad. When's the funeral? Brain Mouse: He died a long time ago. Pinky: And I forgot to send flowers. Stupid! Stupid! STUPID! Pinky: If we were suppose to fly we'll come with small bags of nuts. Brain Mouse: Pinky, you are small bag of nuts! Yakko Warner, Wakko Warner: [singing Jingle Bells] Sailing through the slush/In a wind-blown wagon sled/Down the road we mush/Dot is still in bed! Dot Warner: [singing] I'm getting really bored/I've read this magazine/If we don't get there soon/I think I'm gonna scream! Yakko Warner, Wakko Warner, Dot Warner: [sings the chorus] Oh, wishing star, from afar/Dot is getting worse/Be a sport and grant our wish or we'll sing another verse! Slappy: We definitely gotta get you some singing lessons. Skippy: Oh yeah. Look who's talking. Skippy: Hey, hey. Cheap shot. I'm old. Very old. Skippy: Please. Like you could sing when you were young? Yakko Warner: [looking at a ravine] Wow, just don't look down. Wakko Warner: Do you get Vertigo? Yakko Warner: Nah. Wakko Warner: Me neither. Yakko Warner: Yeah. I've seen that movie three times and I still don't get it. Mindy: [Mindy is up in a tree and Buttons climbs up to save her] Silly Buttons. Puppies can't climb trees. Mindy: [Buttons falls to the ground] Okay, I love you. Buh-bye! Desire Fulfillment Coordinator: I am your Desire Fulfillment Facilitator... but everybody calls me Pip. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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