"Wishbone" (1995)

制  片  人


Soccer the Dog
Larry Brantley
Mary Chris Wall
Christie Abbott
Bear the Dog
Phoebe the Dog
Slugger the Dog
Jordan Wall
Brent Anderson
Adam Springfield
Angee Hughes
Richard Phillips
Joe Nemmers
Lynn Mathis
Jeanne Simpson
Kevin Page
Cliff Stephens
Matthew Tompkins
Sean Hennigan
Joe Duffield
Billy E. Jones
Randy Moore
Christopher Carlos
Nicole McDuffie
Douglas Cunningham
Lanell Pena
Bob Reed
Charles Sprinkle
Justin Reese
Trey Walpole
Jonathan Brent
Sharon Bunn
Jazmine McGill
Alex Morris
Dee Hennigan
Chamblee Ferguson
Jenny Pichanick
John William Galt
Christopher Reagan Ammons
John Davies
Shea Fowler
Lisa-Gabrielle Greene
Vernon Grote
Gary Moody
Sally Nystuen
Rick Perkins
Taylor Pope
Maurice Scott
David Sweet
Kyle R. Trentham
Lewis Flamagan III
Eric Glenn
Bob Hart
Jarrad Kritzstein

音       效

音       乐

布       景

造       型

服       装

化       妆


剪       辑

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