
  • Cera: I suppose you all got the same lecture I did? Petrie: Me too young to wander far. Ducky: We are not grown up and should remember it. Littlfoot: There are many dangers. I should always be careful. Cera: Don't hang around with longnecks, big faces, and spike tails. [the others glare at her] Cera: Well, it was... mostly the same lecture. Ducky: Let's play! Let's play! Littlefoot: Not it! Ducky: Not it! Cera: Well, I'm not it. Petrie: Me not it either. Ducky, Littlefoot, Cera, Petrie: Spike's it! Cera: That wasn't any fun at all. Ducky: Yep, yep. No fun at all. Petrie: Boring. Littlefoot: So what do you want to do now? Spike: [very pathetically] I don't know. Ducky: I know! I know! We can go to the Sheltering Grass... and play Sharp Tooth Attack! [Ducky immitates Sharp Tooth as the others laugh] Cera: No way! Not if I have to be the Sharp Tooth again! Petrie: Hey! Why not Spike be Sharp Tooth? Cera: You guys are all just a bunch of eggs! Cera: If we stop them, the grown-ups won't treat us like babies anymore. Cera: There's five of us and only two of them! [Ducky falls into a pit screaming] Littlefoot: Ducky! Cera: It's all right. I got her. Ducky: You mean I got you! Ducky: Hello, baby brother or sister. Cera: He bit me! Chomper bit me! Littlefoot: It's okay, Cera. I'm sure Chomper didn't mean it. [Cera indicates Chomper] Cera: You call THIS not meaning it? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 2d 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [Ducky's stomach growls] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • c4a 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Ducky: My tummy is making it's hungry noise again. Petrie: My tummy talk too. [stomach gurgles] Petrie: It say, "Feed me." Petrie: Good shot, Ducky! Ducky: Thank you, Petrie. Ozzy: [singing] I'll even kiss you Strut: [Suprised] Kiss me? Strut: [singing] Ozzy, what's the matter with a little vegetation? Ozzy: I've had it up to here with this aggravation! Strut: Well, can't I have this piece of a tree? Ozzy: Why can't you be more like me? You leaf lubby Strut: Hey! Ozzy: Bush burping, stem smelling Strut: Now wait a minute Ozzy: Garbon gourging, plant popping, tree tasting, dirty vouring beast Strut: Ozzy Ozzy: You've got to have eggs, thrice a day at least Cera: Psst! Littlefoot. Littlefoot, wake up. Littlefoot: Huh? Cera? Where are you? Cera: Here. Littlefoot: Where? Cera: Here. Littlefoot: What are you doing here? Cera: Shh! Quiet. Littlefoot: What's the matter? Cera: I can't sleep. It's important. We gotta talk. Littlefoot: Now? Cera: Shh! Yes, now. Scared of the dark? Littlefoot: I'm not scared. Cera: Then, come on. Let's get the others. Strut: But Ozzy, I'm tired. And I'm hungry. I'm how they say, "Egg-xhausted". 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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