
  • Håkon: You're a girl! Mary: You've seen one before haven't you? [Håkon is rescuing Mary from a native tribe.] Mary: Håkon! Håkon, I knew you were alive! Håkon: This is no time for a reunion. Mary: This is so stupid. I'm the one that should go. Hakon you know the island best and Jens you know everything else. Håkon: It's too dangerous. Mary: I sneaked on board your ship while you were standing guard. Jens: I believe her. Håkon: Have you ever used a gun before. Mary: I think I can handle myself. Håkon: You wait till my father gets home. He'll show you. Ole: You're father's not coming back. He's lost at sea. Håkon: He is not! Ole: He owes my father so much money, He'd be better off lost. [The crew is playing a trick on Håkon.] Jens: That's enough. Bosun: Just like you Jens. Ruin all the fun. Steine: I remember when the trick was played on you Bosun but your pants were too wet to pull down! Håkon: What are you doing here? Mary: I'm going to Calcutta. Same as you. Håkon: Why? Mary: To get away from some busy-bodies who want to put me in an orphanage, alright? Håkon: Why don't you just live with your parents? Mary: Because I'm an orphan. If you must know. Why else do you think they'd put me in an orphanage? Håkon: What's Xanadu? Mary: My Mother said it was the most beautiful place on Earth. Where everybody was happy. But it's only in a book it doesn't really exist. Håkon: Yes it does. Merrick: I want whoever did this dead. I want my treasure! I want every rock, every hole, every tree on this island searched. Håkon: I thought I'd never see you again. I thought I'd never see anybody again. Merrick: Every ship has it's secrets. Merrick: Now you listen here to me, boy. And you listen good. I'm gonna count to three and when I do you're gonna tell me where my treasure is. Cause if you don't, I'm gonna blow your head off. Merrick: Officer Howell. Howell: Merrick? Merrick: Yes, it's me. Howell: Impossible. Merrick died. Merrick: The British Navy did it's best, but I'm still alive, my friend. [As they leave a booby-trapped cave.] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • e40 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Jens: It's a miracle you ever got out of there alive. Håkon: I nearly didn't. Mr. Hakonsen: They don't pay a man who is laid up in his bunk. I have come to ask that . . . If you would extend my loan. Wernes: How bad is your leg? Mr. Hakonsen: It doesn't look like I'll be going back to sea. Wernes: Then I don't see how I can extend your loan any longer. Håkon: I just want to be a true sailor. The Captain: I've never known a truer. The Captain: Tell me, your father is a big man. Why are you so puny? Bosun: A knot like this could cost a man his life! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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