Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treade (1989)

  • 英国
  • |
  • 家庭  奇幻  冒险
  • 片       名Prince Caspian ...
  • 上映时间1989年11月19日
  • 导       演 Alex Kirby
  • 剧       情
    Young Prince Caspian of Narnia wonders and dreams about the old days of Narnia when animals talked, and there were mythical creatures and fo...


  • King Caspian: We are in great danger. It's landed on the beach. Lucy Pevensie: Where? Edmund Pevensie: Between us and the ship. King Caspian: Our arrows will be useless against dragons and they're not at all afraid of fire. Reepicheep: Uh, with your Majesty's leave... King Caspian: No, Reepicheep, you are not to attempt single combat with it. [quoting a rhyme a dryad used to sing over his cradle] Reepicheep: Where sky and water meet,/ Where the waves grow sweet/Doubt not, Reepicheep,/ To find all you seek/ There is the utter East. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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