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Garfield's Thanksgiving

Garfield's Thanksgiving (1989) 7.5

1989-11-22(美国)| 动画 喜剧 家庭| 美国
上映时间:1989-11-22(美国) 类型: 动画 喜剧 家庭
获奖信息:美国电视艾美奖(1990年)   提名:1
评分: 力荐


Jon Arbuckle: [it's Thanksgiving morning and the second day of Garfield's diet] [cheerful] Jon Arbuckle: Good morning, Garfield. Sleep well? [Garfield hisses with claws drawn] Garfield: [sees his vet appointment written on the Wednesday page of the calendar and tears it off] Here Odie! Wednesdays are good for dogs! [shoves the page in Odie's mouth] Garfield: Gee, I've been on this diet only ten minutes and I've already lost something, my sense of humor. Jon Arbuckle: We're here for a checkup. Garfield: Check-OUT, Jon, we're only here so you can check out the vet. Dr. Liz Wilson: The good news is your cat is as healthy as a horse. Garfield: Listen to her Jon. Dr. Liz Wilson: The bad news is that he's also as big as one, he'll have to go on a diet. Garfield: Quack! She's a quack! Garfield: [describing Thanksgiving] It's the day people celebrate food by eating as much of it as possible. They try to eat every turkey, pumpkin and cranberry in the world.

Garfield's Thanksgiving

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