回到绿野 (1985)

  • 英国 美国
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  • 冒险  家庭  奇幻
  • 片       名回到绿野
  • 上映时间1985年07月10日(英国)
  • 导       演 沃尔特·默奇


  • Jack Pumpkinhead: If his brain's ran down, how can he talk? Dorothy: It happens to people all the time, Jack. Gump: If I had a stomach, I *know* I would be sick! [regarding headless statues] Dorothy: Look, Billina, these ones have lost their heads. Billina: Now, that's what I call just plain carelessness Billina: What is this, a man or a melon? Jack Pumpkinhead: A pumpkin, if you please. Billina: We come all this way to see a bunch a stiffs. Mombi III: Not beautiful you understand, but you have a certain prettiness, different from my other heads. I believe I'll lock you in the tower for a few years until your head is ready. And then I'll take it. Dorothy: I believe you will NOT! Billina: Some place for a chicken coop! How big is this pond anyway? Dorothy: I don't think it's a pond, Billina. When did you learn to talk anyway? I thought hens could only cluck and cackle. Billina: Strange, ain't it? How's my grammar? Nurse Wilson: Lie down. Dorothy: I'd like to sit up, if I may. Nurse Wilson: What did your aunt tell you? Dorothy: To do what you told me, Miss Wilson. Nurse Wilson: Then, lie down. [the attendants are strapping Dorothy to the stretcher] Dorothy: Why do you have to tie me down? Nurse Wilson: So that you don't fall off. Dorothy: I came all the way from the farm on a buggy and I didn't fall off. [They start to wheel Dorothy down the hall] Dorothy: Did I hear somebody scream earlier? Nurse Wilson: No. [They wheel Dorothy through some double doors. Dr. Worley is adjusting his machine] Dr. J.B. Worley: Hello, Dorothy. How are you? Dorothy: I wish I wasn't tied down. Ozma: Why did they bring you here, Dorothy? Dorothy: Because I can't sleep, and I talk about a place that I've been to, but nobody believes that it exists. Dr. J.B. Worley: And how did you come back from... Oz? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Dorothy 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : With my ruby slippers. Dr. J.B. Worley: How did they work? Dorothy: You put them on and you click your heels three times, and you say "There's no place like home". Dr. J.B. Worley: Dorothy, where are those slippers now? Dorothy: I lost them. They fell off on the way back. The Nome King: There's no place like home. Dorothy: This is the old house! The one the tornado blew away. This is how I got into Oz the first time. That used to be my bedroom, and in there was the kitchen... And that's where I landed on the Wicked Witch of the East. But where all the munchkins? Dorothy: Oh no... Billina: That's just a yellow brick. Dorothy: No, Billina. This was the yellow brick road. It leads to the Emerald City! Dorothy: You're so beautiful. What's your name? Ozma: Ozma. Jack Pumpkinhead: MOM! My *real* mom! [he faints into the crowd] Tik-Tok: I have always valued my lifelessness. Lead Wheeler: You'll be sorry for treating me like this! I'm a TERRIBLE fierce person! Nome: Your Majesty! SHE has returned to Oz! The Nome King: Good, good. Keep an eye on her. Nome: [the Nome pauses, hesitant] The Nome King: Well, what's the matter? What is it? Nome: She has a... chicken with her. The Nome King: A CHICKEN? The Nome King: Don't you know that eggs are poison? Billina: Poison, indeed! The Nome King: Poison... poison to... nomes. Jack Pumpkinhead: [Dorothy, Tik Tok, Bellina and Jack are all flying on the Gump] Mr Gump, can't you fly any faster? Gump: Not unless one of you wants to jump off. Tik-Tok: These Wheelers can be tricky customers. Lead Wheeler: Come here... chicken! The Nome King: Why doesn't the sofa go first. Gump: But I don't have anything to touch with. The Nome King: You can use your antlers. Gump: I should have quit when I was a head. Jack Pumpkinhead: [the trio are assembling the Gump together, but Tik-Tok's brains are running down] Here's a broom Tik-Tok, it'll make a great tail. Tik-Tok: Excellent. Now we must Gump the head at the front, and tie Jack's feet together. Jack Pumpkinhead: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Right. Tie my feet together 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [Jack does so] Tik-Tok: Bring that mantlepiece to the desk, and then annoint the palms! Jack Pumpkinhead: Right, annoint the- [Jack falls due to his feet being tied] Tik-Tok: That is right Jack. Left, right, wrong. Jack Pumpkinhead: What are you talking about Tik-Tok? Tik-Tok: Little girl, squaking eggs, make chicken fly the coop. Billina: Coop? Lead Wheeler: You have to come out sooner or later. And when you do, we'll tear you into little pieces and throw you in the deadly desert! Dorothy: I haven't done anything to you. Lead Wheeler: Isn't that a stolen lunch-pale in your hand? Isn't that a chicken in there with you? The Nome King doesn't allow chickens anywhere in Oz! Dorothy: Who'se the Nome King? Lead Wheeler: ...Who'se the Nome King? [laughs hysterically] Gump: The last thing I remember is walking through the forest and hearing a loud noise. Now, here I am flying through the air. What am I anyway? Dorothy: You're a...a thing, with a Gump's head on it. We built you and brought you to life so you can take us to the Nome King; to rescue the Scarecrow. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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