渡假留香 (1962)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  家庭
  • 片       名渡假留香
  • 上映时间1962年06月15日(西德)
  • 导       演 亨利·科斯特


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  • b>Peter Carver: I don't like you! Roger Hobbs: You little creep. Mr. Martin Turner: Who took these? Roger Hobbs: Peggy. She does all the photography around here. Mr. Martin Turner: Wha'd she use? Roger Hobbs: A camera. Mr. Martin Turner: Asterbex? Roger Hobbs: Probably. Mr. Martin Turner: You haven't done much walking have you Hobbs? Roger Hobbs: Only since I was about four years old! Mr. Martin Turner: You haven't done much walking have you Hobbs? Roger Hobbs: Only since I was about two years old! Roger Hobbs: [about Katey's dancing partners] First an Albino and now a pygmy! Roger Hobbs: There ought to be an un-Edison, an un-Thomas Alva Edison who un-invents things, and the first thing they ought to un-invent is that television. Peggy Hobbs: Didn't you get his last name? Roger Hobbs: No, I just called hey Joe, it's from my experience that there's usually one Joe in a group of fellows. Peggy Hobbs: That's a fine way to get a date for your daughter, paying him $ Katey Hobbs: [discussing how weird their parents are] My father did something once that was so crazy. Joe: Yeah, what? Katey Hobbs: You wouldn't believe it, you wouldn't believe it. Roger Hobbs: I'd be more religious if something wouldn't happen to that television set. Just praying that lightning would strike it, not the entire circuit, just our set. Roger Hobbs: I'd be more religious if something wouldn't happen to that television set. Just praying that lightning would strike it, not the entire industry, just our set. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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