Peter Pan (1924)

  • 美国
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  • 冒险  奇幻  家庭
  • 片       名Peter Pan
  • 上映时间1924年12月29日
  • 导       演 赫伯特·布雷农
  • 剧       情
    Peter Pan, the kid who doesn't want to grow up, arrives at the Darling home searching for his shadow. He meets the Darling children and take...


  • Mrs. Darling: [to Peter Pan] Who are you? Mrs. Darling: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • When I came in tonight, I saw a face at the window. The face of a little boy. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Mr. Darling: Two flights up? Mrs. Darling: Yes. And last week, I was drowsing here by the fire. I felt a draft and woke up, and I saw that same little boy in the center of the room. I screamed, Nana leapt at him, but the boy jumped out the window and escaped. But not before the window closed and snapped his shadow clean off. Michael Nicholas Darling: Mother, at what hour was I born? Mrs. Darling: At twelve o'clock in the nighttime, dearest. Michael Nicholas Darling: Oh, Mother, I hope I didn't wake you. Michael Nicholas Darling: Can anything harm us, Mother, after the night lights are lit? Mrs. Darling: Nothing, precious. They are the eyes a mother leaves behind to gaurd her children. Mrs. Darling: That boy may come back for his shadow. Peter Pan: Wendy, have you gone away? Will you never be here to play any more, Wendy? And I thought it was only flowers that died!... Perhaps she is frightened at being dead. Wendy Darling: Peter, what are your real feelings for me? Peter Pan: Those of a devoted son, Wendy. You are so puzzling, and Tiger Lily is just the same. She says there is something she wants to be to me, but it is not my mother. Wendy Darling: There was once a gentleman ... Nibs: I'd rather he had been a lady. Wendy Darling: There was a lady also, and what do you suppose they had? They had three descendants. Nibs: I'd rather they had white rats. Wendy Darling: Though the children stayed away for many moons, the beautiful mother always left the window open for them to fly back. I do like a mother's love, don't you? Michael Nicholas Darling: I do just. Peter Pan: It isn't that kind of pain. Wendy, you are wrong about mothers. When I flew back to my mother, the window was barred, and there was another little boy asleep in my bed. Tootles: The first that does not behave toward Wendy like an American gentleman, I will blood him severly. Captain Hook: Peter Pan, who and what art thou? Peter Pan: I'm youth, I'm joy! I'm a little bird that has broken out of the egg! Peter Pan: Oh, Wendy's mother, I don't want to grow up! Don't want to be President! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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