
"Clubhouse" (2004) 8.0

2004-09-26(美国)| 家庭 运动| 美国
上映时间:2004-09-26(美国) 类型: 家庭 运动
获奖信息:美国电影视觉效果工会奖(2005年)   提名:1
评分: 力荐



Lynne Young


: What do I have to do to get through to you? Betsy Young: I don't know mom, send me an e-mail. [Pete stands in front of a mirror to tuck in his jersey. He stares at himself for a little while until one of the baseball players comes up and says... ] baseball player: This is baseball, not a fashion show. Betsy Young: This is all your fault you underwear labeler! Peter 'Pete' Young: You know what Betsy? Why don't you get a nice, tall glass of Shut Your Mouth. Betsy Young: Why don't you grab a spoon so you can eat my... Lou Russo: You get some action from your girlfriend? Peter 'Pete' Young: I'm not sure she's my girlfriend anymore. Lou Russo: Then I suppose you're free this weekend... that's good, because I'm going to need you to work. Peter 'Pete' Young: I thought the team was in L.A. this weekend. Lou Russo: That's right, so pack your sunscreen. Lou Russo: [about the players] Bunch of nancy boys, probably use the money for online shoe shopping.


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