Tiger Cruise (2004)

  • 美国
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  • 家庭
  • 片       名Tiger Cruise
  • 上映时间2004年08月06日
  • 导       演 杜威尼·杜汉


  • Tina: What are you drawing? Maddie Dolan: That. The Arizona memorial. [pause] Maddie Dolan: Pearl Harbor. Tina: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Oh yea, right like the movie. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [repeated line] Maddie Dolan: I'm not a brat, okay? Chuck Horner: He was my little brother... he was always gunna be my little brother. At the Pentagon... [pause] Chuck Horner: the safest place on Earth. Makes you wonder what it's gunna be like when we get back there. Anthony: One of my friends... their parents worked in those towers. A girl in my class... her dad is a firefighter. I never got tired of looking at them. Those towers. They were just so big and cool. The way the sun would reflect off them... everything's gunna be so different now. Maddie Dolan: Dad, when are you coming home? Cmdr. Dolan: Maddie this is my job. Maddie Dolan: So get a new one! Maddie Dolan: Dad, when are you coming home? Cmdr. Dolan: What do you mean? We're gonna be docking on Friday. Maddie Dolan: No, I mean when are you coming home. For good. Cmdr. Dolan: [Cmdr. Dolan realizes why she came] Is that why you came on board... to ask me that? This is my job. Maddie Dolan: So get a new one. You got the degress. You could do like anything you want. Cmdr. Dolan: This is what I do. Maddie Dolan: It's been a while. I grew. Chuck Horner: Is your dad a squid? Joey: No, sir. My mom. Tina: I want the uniform and the plane. Grace: Tina, my cover. [Tina gives her a blank stare] Grace: My hat. Chuck Horner: [after giving a lecture on the Pearl Harbor attack] Nice sketch. Chuck Horner: Navy's got it easy. When I was a marine I had to live two weeks on canned apricots. Anthony: Apricots give me diarrhea. Cmdr. Dolan: [after he shows Maddie his quarters] I do outrank you just a bit. Maddie Dolan: How many elementary schools did I go to? Cmdr. Dolan: Four. Maddie Dolan: Five. Maddie Dolan: I mean, think of it. Brat. A spoiled, mischevious ill-mannered child. Tina: You actually looked it up. Maddie Dolan: How would you feel going through your life known as that. Chuck Horner: Guess this is my bed. I'm Chuck Horner. Joey: Joey. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Chuck Horner 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : You don't wet the bed, do you, Joey? Joey: No... unless I have a lot of soda or something. [takes a sip of his soda] MA2 Chan: Is the XO your father? Maddie Dolan: That's right. MA2 Chan: So I guess that makes you a brat. [Maddie salutes to her father and her father salutes back] Maddie Dolan: Yeah, I'm a brat. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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