新绿野仙踪 (2007)

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  • 冒险  奇幻  科幻


  • advertisement DG: [after hearing screaming] Did you hear that? Glitch: Yes... no. Cain: If you don't have heart, you have nothing. Cain: [entering tavern to meet the Seeker] I don't like the looks of this place. Why don't you guys wait outside? I'll cut the deal myself. DG: No, I think we should - [dwarf shoves his way between the group] DG: - stick together. I feel very safe with you guys. Glitch: Really? I don't. Glitch: [watching Zero attacking Cain and his family] Even with half a brain, I can tell we gotta get out of here. [DG grabs a stick and runs toward them] Cain: [seeing DG speaking to a dog] You're taking directions... from a dog. DG: [seeing Glitch hanging from the ceiling] What are you doing... Glitch: up here? The little ANKLE-BITERS, thought it would be funny to keep me hanging around. Untie me, and I might have the last laugh. [DG hesitates] Glitch: Come on doll, if mom and pop really are on the road to central city, you're falling further and further behind. DG: You know the way? Glitch: Sure, though, it's kind of hard to give directions from up here. Unless you have a better offer? DG: I'm DG. This is... Cain: I know, a head-case. Glitch: I have a proper name... and when I remember it I will tell you. DG: What's a head-case? Cain: It's what the state does to re-educate criminals. Remove their brains, and keep them trapped inside their own heads. Ain't that right, convict? Glitch: Whoa, I ain't no convict! [hesitates] Glitch: And just in case I am, it was a bogus charge, a frame job, I'm sure of it! Glitch: I wasn't always like this you know. In my hay-day, I was the top dog's... right-hand man. Munchcan Person: From where will Azkadellia attack? Will she attack from the east? DG: Who? Munchcan Person: Azkadellia! The one for whom you spy! Will her men walk or fly? DG: OK, how many times do I have to tell you that nothing you guys have said has made any sense to me? Glitch: My name's Glitch, on account of sometimes my synapses don't fire right... sometimes my synapses don't fire right... DG: You just said that. Glitch: Did I? There you go, glitching again! DG: [referring to the tin suit] How long were you in there? Cain: [pointing to a tree that's about a hundred feet tall] Since that was a sapling. [repeated line] Glitch: I think I invented it. DG: [referring to the device stuck in the wooden post] What is it? Glitch: It's a TDEHTL. A tri-dimensional energy stored holographic time loop. Nifty little thing... Hey, I think I invented it... DG: Why would they take your brain? Glitch: Because of what I know. Cain: Maybe I'll see you down the road. DG: Actually, a road is what we're looking for. The br... DG, Glitch: Brick Route. DG: ...to a place called C... DG, Glitch: Central City. DG: Do you know it? Cain: Yeah, that was where Zero was headed after... It's where I'm headed now. DG: Great! We'll come with you. Cain: No, much obliged for the help, but I don't travel with kids, or convicts. Azkadellia: The little bitch has gone to see the wizard. Cain: Look, nothing personal, put look at you. At the first sign of trouble you're just gonna cut and run. DG: Nothing personal, but when we found you, you were in a tin box! You don't know me. Come on Glitch, we'll find the way our selves. [DG and Glitch walk off] Cain: The way? The way leads through the fields of the Papay. Glitch: [Glitch stops] Papay? DG: [DG walks back] What? I've been tossed into a storm, trussed up by lawn gnomes, chased by mad men on horse back, how bad can Papays be? Cain: I've seen them gnaw a person in half in thirty seconds. [pause] Cain: Alright, Zipper-head keep your mouth shut, kid you stay behind me. DG: Do you wanna come closer to the fire? Raw: Shoulda left me to die. Glitch: Oh great, a basket-case! Cain: [when Raw makes a scary face] Do you want that bad attitude dripping out your ears? Raw: [about Cain] Brave man... good man... Tin Man... Glitch: Oh, I might have known you were a Tin Man, with that attitude! DG: What's a Tin Man? Glitch: It's what they call police in Central City. [hesitates] Glitch: Or, at least, I think it is... Mom Robot: We are, series 1487, nurture units. DG: [shocked, and confused] I'm sorry 'nurture units'? Pop Robot: We were giving special protocol to love and protect you like you were our own. DG: Okay, that's weird. You're robots? ARGH, MY LIFE IS A LIE! Mom Robot: It wasn't a lie to us. We cared for you like you were our own, but our deeper purpose was to tell you the stories of our home, to ready you for your return. DG: I'm from here! Glitch: [to the angry cyborgs] We were just passing through... we were just passing through... we were just passing through... [Cain hits him and he stops] DG: I haven't been here before, but I know this place... DG: All my dad's stories! My parents were from here! DG: [reciting] All of life's answers, can be found along the Old Road. DG: Hey, you knew my mother. Glitch: I knew I wasn't an idiot! [to Cain] Glitch: Or a convict! Azkadellia: [to DG] What did she whisper in your ear? Glitch: [to Azkadellia, about DG] Leave her alone. Man in audience: Mystic Man, answer me this: What is the meaning of life? Mystic Man: That question is as timeless as the moons. We must seek to serve the forces of the universe in all our humanity, and all our humility. [Azkadellia's vapors are being sprayed] Mystic Man: First, we must inhale the magic... Glitch: This is the man with all the answers? Mystic Man: ...and HOLD IT, HOLD IT... Glitch: He's out of his mind, literally! Mystic Man: ...AND YOU KNOW THE MEANING OF LIFE! [laughs] Cain: [after being chased by the Pahpays to the edge of a cliff] JUMP! Glitch: The fall might kill us! Cain: Well, they definitely will! DG: [at the Northern Island] We need to dig! Glitch: Dig? DG: [reciting, while digging with an ax] Daughter of light, came upon, a frozen white mountain. And above all else she knew, that this mountain, was more than it appeared. That it was home! Cain: [jumping off a cliff] Alright, on three. One... Glitch: THREE! Glitch: [walking over to a piece of furniture] There is something so *familiar* about this... [takes the sheet off the harp] Glitch: No. Glitch: [about the girl in the mirror] That's Azkadellia. Marbles or not, evil like that you don't forget. Glitch: [happily] Hey, there's that guy that locked up Cain. Glitch: [scared] Oh no. Raw: We should go. DG: Not till I get my answers. Glitch: [to the dog] Which way? Left... or left? Twister Dancer, Second Twister Dancer: [sung] He's the Mystic, the Mystic Man/ He'll answer your questions, he always can/ His wisdom is known throughout the land!/ He's the Mystic, the Mystic, the Mystic, the Mystic, THE MYSTIC MAN! Glitch: You've been sleeping for hours... like a baby with his pacifier. Cain: I thought you were dead. Glitch: Ditto. You know, I may have saved you from hypothermia, but um, [holds up the horse toy] Glitch: this is what saved your life. It stopped the bullet. Cain: DG? Glitch: Azkadellia. Cain: Raw? Glitch: Ah, I don't know I can't find him. Either they took him too, or he's dead. Or... Cain: Maybe he ran away. Glitch: You know you really should do something about that BITTER cynicism of yours Cain! Cain: Why? Someone's gotta keep your wide-eyed optimism in check. [silence] Cain: Hey, Glitch? Glitch: What? Cain: I owe you one. Glitch: [smiles] You know Cain, professional psychiatric help is only a crow's call away these days. I think someone like you with your issues with masculinity, and what we call it the boy scout syndrome... DG: What? I've been tossed into a storm, trussed up by lawn gnomes, chased by madmen on horseback. How bad can Papay's be? Cain: I've seen 'em gnaw people in half inside 30 seconds. Zipper head, keep your mouth shut. Kid, you stay behind me. DG: Why the sudden change of heart? Cain: Believe me, heart's got nothing to do with it. Cain: [to Toto after discovering his betrayal] I'd shoot you in the heart if I thought you had one. Glitch: You know, when I had a brain I was twice as scared as I am now. So that means that if I had no brain at all then I would be four times as brave then I was when I was brainy. Cain: Believe me... Heart's got nothin' to do with it Azkadellia: That little bitch has gone to see the wizard. Azkadellia: Do you know how long I've waited to see that look on your face? No phony smile, no brave front... Just pure and utter *shock*. It's probably the most honest gift you've ever given me *mother*. Glitch: Hey, whoa, I ain't no convict! And just in case I am, it was a bogus charge! A-a frame job, I'm sure of it! Azkadellia: [to the Mystic Man] Well if it isn't the great and terrible blah blah blah himself. Azkadellia: [to the Mystic Man] Not so Great and Terrible now, are you? Young DG: Are there any animals in the forest? Young Azkadellia: Yes, lions... tigers... [a bear appears] Young Azkadellia: Oh my! Cain: [to Longcoat] Drop it, or I'll blow you into next week. Lavender Eyes: [in DG's dream] Two little princesses dancing in a row/spinning fast and freely upon their little toes/where the light will take them/there's only one way to know/two little princesses dancing in a row. Azkadellia: Learn to love me, mother. Learn to trust me, and I will give you back your throne. Put the crown upon your head and kneel at your feet. The loyal daughter you always wanted. Lavender Eyes: You are *not* my daughter. Azkadellia: How can you say that? You made me what I am. Lavender Eyes: No! Azkadellia: Tell me where the Emerald is! Lavender Eyes: Not while there's still a breath in my body! Glitch: I'm not saying they called me 'Twinkle-toes' but I cut quite a rug... Oh, you can make a face Cain, but here was a time I was a *terrific* dancer. She may have taken my brain, but *rhythm* that comes directly from the... Cain: [interrupting] Do you have any bright ideas how to get in there? Glitch: I mean, I don't mind taxing my half a brain for DG, but just *once* I'd like someone to admire me for my *rhythm*. Which, as I was saying before I was so *rudely* interrupted, comes directly from the *soul*. [Cain gives him the look] Glitch: You know, Cain, sometimes you make me feel just like those ladies at the dance, like I blend right in with the wallpaper... Cain: [looking at Longcoats] That's not a bad idea. Glitch: [surprised] Wanna dance? Cain: I'll lead, you follow. Cain: [after taking out several Longcoats] Your a deep well, Glitch. Glitch: It's all about rhythm. Azkadellia: She rediscovering her past. Lavender Eyes: And what of you, Azkadellia? Perhaps she is not the only one who need to rediscover her past... Azkadellia: I'm only concerned with the future. Lavender Eyes: Then why are you here, talking to me? Why have you kept me here all these years? Kept my hope alive? Azkadellia: To see the look on your face... the day that hope dies. Demilo: Central City people gather 'round! Antoine Demilo is back in town! Raw: [pointing] A cabin. Glitch: Probably full of Longcoats. Cain: No, look at the smoke. Glitch: So? They lit a fire. Longcoats get cold too. Cain: It's *blue*. DG: Glitch. You must be the smartest man I know. Glitch: No, no you're just saying that to make me feel good about myself. Mystic Man: Azkadellia, as I live and breathe... so far. [laughs] Mystic Man: She is more powerful than you. Azkadellia: She will never be as powerful as me. Mystic Man: Then why are you so scared? [Azkadellia starts to prepares to kill him] Mystic Man: I know you, *witch*! Azkadellia: What... do you know? DG: [trying to talk to the Mystic Man on Vapors] Sir, Sir, Sir, I need you to focus. A long time ago you helped a woman, smuggle a child out of the OZ. Mystic Man: Out of the OZ? DG: Yes. Mystic Man: Yes? Out of the OZ. DG: Yes. Mystic Man: Yes! Mystic Man: [after DG slaps him] You have most beautiful, brilliant, blue-eyes, but your mother, your mother had lavender. DG: You do remember! Mystic Man: Go! Go. You stay with her at all costs. Cain: I have to take care of Zero. Mystic Man: No! You know who she is now! She's the key. I want your word as a Tin Man. You will not leave her side at any cost! Cain: [hesitates] I promise. Demilo: What are you gunning for Zero for? That's a short hop into a deep grave. Glitch: [surrounded by Papays] It's almost dinner time! Cain: [to Toto while crossing the gap in the OZ] If you shape shift, I swear I'll drop ya. DG: Did it always look so dead? Cain: No, this use to be some of the most fertile land in the OZ, till about fifteen annuals ago. There was a great drought that wiped out all the crops. DG: I don't have to guess who's responsible for that. Glitch: You'd think that someone would have helped them with their crops. Maybe invented a do'hickey, with a couple of thingys that... gotta love a good orchard. Glitch: [looking at their wanted poster] That is a *terrible* picture of me. Raw: [everyone nods in agreement] Yeah. Raw: Papay once peaceful. Glitch: Yeah? Well now the only 'peace' they're interested in is a *piece* of us! Cain: You know, sometimes it amazes me that you were once an adviser to the queen. Glitch: I know, me too! Glitch: I actually don't like heights. DG: When I first met you, you were hanging from a ceiling. Glitch: Involuntarily! Toto: The time to leave is now. Cain: Sorry Pooch, but this is where we part company. Toto: Part? Cain: With the Mobats in the sky and the Longcoats on our trail, I don't have time to figure out what your angle is in all this. Toto: My 'angle' is her mother sent me to help her. Cain: And you did. I'd even thank you, if I knew who you were... Glitch: Whoa, Mister-Suspicious! This is the man... dog... [whispers] Glitch: thingy... that helped us escape! DG: [referring to the spinning doll] Am I really doing this? Hank: [Hank and Emily have loaded guns] State your business. Cain: We mean you no harm. We're travelers of the realm, seeking a warm meal and a cold cup of grog. Hank: Food is scarce this time of year, and the grog's long been seized. Cain: Then we'll leave you in peace. May your hearth be warm. Hank: And your smoke be blue. Come inside quickly. Cain: Which Mine? Hank: I don't know. It's in the south. Glitch: Moritainium. Big M, little T, number 216 on the OZian periodic table. Ha ha, school days, I remember a lovely lass named Leona, who... DG: Moritainium, what's it for? Glitch: Apart from it's strength, Moritainium is also valued for it's ability to conduct magic. Glitch: [after seeing some of Glitch's memories] Oh hi, ha ha, I'm Glitch, have we... [seeing DG] Glitch: Are you okay? DG: Yes, Glitch, I'm fine. Glitch: [seeing their faces] What? Is my machine so bad? Cain: [impressed] No, but you sure gave up a lot to stop Azkadellia. DG: That's why she had to go straight to the source. Glitch: Well, I guess it's not the biggest sacrifice ever made for science. DG: No, but it sure is up there! Glitch: [to Azkadellia about the queen] Show some respect! Azkadellia: The queen's reign ends today. Glitch: This is all my fault. If I'd never thought of my machine, she wouldn't have been able to twist it. Raw: Yeah... Azkadellia: Last time 'complications', this time 'problems'? Azkadellia: [after killing the former Chief of Police] Zero, you've just been promoted. Alchemist: [with a cow prod] You never understand! All you people need is a little encouragement! Raw: [takes the cow prod] RAW JUST NEED COURAGE! [zaps the Alchemist] Cain: I know what you're doing. I've lead troops into battle before. DG: And, how am I doing? Cain: Well, there's less *hugging* when I do it. DG: You know, my mother was really good with to 'To-Do' lists, she just wasn't so good with the 'How To-Do' lists... DG: That was all fake? You are twisted! Azkadellia: Why? Because with a little reprogramming I've gotten something I've missed out on for too long; father's love, hmph, mother affection, hmph... DG: Who's A-hamo? Glitch: You know she wasn't always ermine robes and thee's and thou's. She started out just like you; feisty but fair. DG: She's done so much for me, and I don't even know her name. Glitch: That's easy her name was... [he can't remember] DG: It's okay. Glitch: But she was happy to make the sacrifices she thought were right. We should all love someone so much. Airofday: Questions are answers unspoken. Glitch: Um... isn't it a little cramped in there? Airofday: Reference to uncomfortable tight spaces, answer: Yes. DG: Where can we find the Seeker? Glitch: [Airofday points in six directions] And you thought I was bad with directions! Toto: Azkadellia? Azkadellia: A little older, a lot smarter, and most definitely still in charge, hmph. Toto: Nothing like a violent coup to win the hearts and minds of the people. Azkadellia: Good, you still have a memory, maybe the one thing that can save you. Toto: What do you want? Azkadellia: What I want is the very thing you've devoted your feebly life to: magic, my friend, those that can't 'do' teach, remember? Young DG: Toto... Toto: It's *Tutor*, now focus. Cain: [referring to Glitch] What's he doing now? Jeb: [to Cain, when he can't find Zero] What did you do? [after meeting her long-lost father] DG: I had a father. He was a robot, but at least, he was there for me. Azkadellia: Welcome back little sister. There's no place like the O.Z. Pop Robot: You had that crazy nightmare again, huh? DG: In Technicolor. Azkadellia: Your adventures have a way of getting me into trouble. [last lines] DG: That's the O.Z. I remember. I'm so glad to be home. DG: That Elmer Gulch is a menace to the community! Young Azkadellia: There are wild animals in this forest. Young DG: [scared] What kind of animals? Young Azkadellia: Lions... and tigers... and... [a bear lumbers in and roars] Young DG: Oh my! [drops firewood she's holding] Glitch: [to DG] Gotta be careful not to lose your marbles [laughs] Glitch: but ah, since the sorceress made her medicos take mine, well, you flick the abacus. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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